By understanding how pregnancy changes your dietary needs and by learning how to face them despite your vegetarian diet, you can gain the necessary confidence to enjoy your pregnancy, get rid of worries and to reassure others that you and your baby will be just fine.
Babies born by vegetarian mothers are just as healthy as the other children are. This can possible if the vegetarian mothers are very careful about their vegetarian diet and learn to create daily menus so as to accumulate all the necessary elements for a healthy fetus development.
Doctors recommend a pregnant woman weight gain of approximately 11 to 16 kg during pregnancy, and this will require 300 extra calories each day.
It can be more difficult for a vegetarian mother to gain weight.
Cereals, vegetables, nuts and seeds, dairy (for lacto vegetarians) and starchy vegetables can be excellent sources of calories during this period.
A pregnant woman's weight gain during her pregnancy is closely related to the baby's birth weight, just as the baby's health depends on his weight at birth.
One way to increase the number of calories is to add oil or other sauces to your food. Try to eat highly caloric foods such as nuts or peanut butter. Eating little and often during the day can also help you gain weight.
If you are introduce dairy products and eggs in their diet should have no problems accumulating the necessary calcium and iron during pregnancy.
A healthy diet before pregnancy will be a good source of nutrients for the baby during pregnancy, since the fetus is most likely to develop nutritional problems in early pregnancy, when he is developing most rapidly.
Avoid all kinds of soft cheeses as they are mostly made with unpasteurized milk and can be the carriers of food poisoning and other bacteria. Besides, soft cheeses also induce gas. yoga during pregnancy