Pomegranates or pomegranate are now beginning to lots sold and packaged in bottles as a beverage. Besides rich in vitamin c, fruit of this one also has the ability to fight prostate cancer cells that attack the man.
Pomegranate juice has been proven by scientists from the University of California to improve the health of people with prostate cancer and natural medicine to prevent prostate cancer.
Manuela martins and colleagues say that pomegranate juice may cause testosterone prostate cells metastasize. When cells were injected pomegranate, an increase in adhesion (attraction between cells) cancer cells.
That's a sign that fewer cells break away and make them less likely to spread and migrating cells in the body.
In addition, pomegranate juice also inhibits the formation of new tumors by inhibiting the function of cell proteins. Thus, this juice has the potential to prevent metastasis of prostate cancer cells to the bone.
According to the researchers, there are four active ingredients in pomegranate juice that has the molecules to fight cancer cells such as phenylpropanoids, hydrobenzoic acid, flavone and conjugated fatty acids.
"Because the genes and proteins involved in the movement of prostate cancer cells are essentially similar to those involved in the movement of other types of cancer cells, the components can be modified so that it has a broader impact in the treatment of cancer," hope martin.
Indeed, until now there is no medicine that can cure prostate cancer. Typically, the patient is only treated with surgery or radiation testosterone.
Gendis steamer Bantu Normalised Blood Sugar
These hedgerows are not so popular compared to other types of herbs. However, several studies actually reveal opportunities gendis cormorant as a potential herb normalizes blood sugar levels.
Calling his name, people will remember one song of Java, namely Dandang Gulo (gendis). Kertajaya, the last king of the kingdom of Kediri in East Java, also known as Dandang Gendis. However, who reviewed here is a medicinal plant that grows in tropical regions. Ki Sundanese people used to call it sharp.
According to the developers of medicinal plants, Hartini Koentjoro, cormorant gendis if you would have to be processed into herbal extracts first. In general, cormorant gendis can not stand alone, but must be mixed with other herbs.
"Usually after extracted by means dried, cormorant gendis can be mixed or combined with meniran. Benefits as a herb to increase endurance, "said the owner of a medicinal plant garden Sekar this Peni.
Gendis common cormorant mixed with meniran because both have the same benefits, ie, to increase endurance. How, further Hartini, both herbs are boiled together, then added a little honey for sweet.
As a concoction of blood sugar control, can be utilized cormorant gendis single, without a mix. Usually made of dry extract to be used as tea. However, as reminded Yayuk of Herba Tersono Mandiri, we must be careful in memanfaatan gendis dadang leaves as herbs, especially if boiled.
"If the fresh form, so that when boiled benefits are not wasted, should layukan first before boiling. Pick the leaves in the morning, afternoon just processed, "he said again.
Not Developed About the efficacy of cormorant gendis to relieve diabetes is quite interesting. At least some research has shown that this herb has the potential to be developed further.
One study conducted by the Department of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute of Technology. In the study carried out screening of antidiabetic various fractions of water extract of leaves of cormorant gendis using alloxan diabetes and glucose tolerance in male Swiss Webster mice.
Crude drug gendis steamer leaves extracted with water and further fractionated with polar solvents (ethanol), semipolar (ethyl acetate), and nonpolar (n-hexane). Water extract tested their effects on decreasing blood glucose levels of alloxan diabetic mice by glibenclamide dose of 0.65 mg / kg bw as a comparison.
Then the water extracts and fractions tested antidiabetesnya potential method for determining the glucose tolerance of the most active fraction. After that conducted the study dose relationship 50, 100, and 150 mg per kg bw extract the most active fraction with antidiabetic effects are produced.
Fraction was further separated by preparative chromatography isolates. Results preparative chromatography isolates tested to determine the most potential as antidiabetic.
This fact is certainly interesting, unfortunately until now there has been no pharmaceutical company is interested to develop it.
As a preventive Among traditional healers and herbs, the benefits gendis cormorant has long been recognized. Not just to normalize blood sugar rate, but also to enhance the immune system and healthy drinks (if made of dry extract).
According Yayuk, leaves cormorant gendis resemblance to meniran. In addition, the cormorant gendis also has diuretic properties, so good for urinary laxative. Still, he cautioned, people with kidney disorders still must be careful if you want to consume potions gendis cormorant.
"In general, the benefits of cormorant gendis more appropriate as a prevention, not treatment. So, those who have kidney problems it is better not to consume potions often cormorant gendis. If still want to consume, not to exceed a glass of potion a day, "said Yayuk.
As meniran, cormorant gendis also relatively easy to maintain as an ornamental yard or fence crop. Easy growth. Gendis cormorant is also an independent plant, aka do not need special treatment.
"Left alone, provided sufficient water, at least once a week watering, these plants can live alone," he said.
Physically cormorant gendis beluntas similar plants, although higher and lush. Feature of this plant is shaped shrubs, erect stem with a height of approximately 2.5 meters. These plants have segmented stems and green.
Concocting Ki Sharply
Gendis cormorant is also popularly called ki sharply, especially in West Java. Here are some examples of their formula.
- Normalize blood sugar
Take two handfuls or 10 grams of leaves that have been dilayukan gendis cormorant. Then enter into the water already boiling and soak in it for about a minute. Filter to take water. Once cool, it can be drunk directly
- The durability of the body
Take two handfuls or 10 grams of leaves that have been dilayukan gendis cormorant and 10 grams of leaves meniran. Both materials incorporated into the already boiling water and soak in it for about a minute. Filter to take water. After a cold can be drunk directly. You can also add these ingredients with honey to taste.
- Healthy Drinks
Take the extract to taste (dried leaves) gendis steamer, then mixed with hot water, such as making tea. Add a little rock sugar or honey as a sweetener.
Calling his name, people will remember one song of Java, namely Dandang Gulo (gendis). Kertajaya, the last king of the kingdom of Kediri in East Java, also known as Dandang Gendis. However, who reviewed here is a medicinal plant that grows in tropical regions. Ki Sundanese people used to call it sharp.
According to the developers of medicinal plants, Hartini Koentjoro, cormorant gendis if you would have to be processed into herbal extracts first. In general, cormorant gendis can not stand alone, but must be mixed with other herbs.
"Usually after extracted by means dried, cormorant gendis can be mixed or combined with meniran. Benefits as a herb to increase endurance, "said the owner of a medicinal plant garden Sekar this Peni.
Gendis common cormorant mixed with meniran because both have the same benefits, ie, to increase endurance. How, further Hartini, both herbs are boiled together, then added a little honey for sweet.
As a concoction of blood sugar control, can be utilized cormorant gendis single, without a mix. Usually made of dry extract to be used as tea. However, as reminded Yayuk of Herba Tersono Mandiri, we must be careful in memanfaatan gendis dadang leaves as herbs, especially if boiled.
"If the fresh form, so that when boiled benefits are not wasted, should layukan first before boiling. Pick the leaves in the morning, afternoon just processed, "he said again.
Not Developed About the efficacy of cormorant gendis to relieve diabetes is quite interesting. At least some research has shown that this herb has the potential to be developed further.
One study conducted by the Department of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute of Technology. In the study carried out screening of antidiabetic various fractions of water extract of leaves of cormorant gendis using alloxan diabetes and glucose tolerance in male Swiss Webster mice.
Crude drug gendis steamer leaves extracted with water and further fractionated with polar solvents (ethanol), semipolar (ethyl acetate), and nonpolar (n-hexane). Water extract tested their effects on decreasing blood glucose levels of alloxan diabetic mice by glibenclamide dose of 0.65 mg / kg bw as a comparison.
Then the water extracts and fractions tested antidiabetesnya potential method for determining the glucose tolerance of the most active fraction. After that conducted the study dose relationship 50, 100, and 150 mg per kg bw extract the most active fraction with antidiabetic effects are produced.
Fraction was further separated by preparative chromatography isolates. Results preparative chromatography isolates tested to determine the most potential as antidiabetic.
This fact is certainly interesting, unfortunately until now there has been no pharmaceutical company is interested to develop it.
As a preventive Among traditional healers and herbs, the benefits gendis cormorant has long been recognized. Not just to normalize blood sugar rate, but also to enhance the immune system and healthy drinks (if made of dry extract).
According Yayuk, leaves cormorant gendis resemblance to meniran. In addition, the cormorant gendis also has diuretic properties, so good for urinary laxative. Still, he cautioned, people with kidney disorders still must be careful if you want to consume potions gendis cormorant.
"In general, the benefits of cormorant gendis more appropriate as a prevention, not treatment. So, those who have kidney problems it is better not to consume potions often cormorant gendis. If still want to consume, not to exceed a glass of potion a day, "said Yayuk.
As meniran, cormorant gendis also relatively easy to maintain as an ornamental yard or fence crop. Easy growth. Gendis cormorant is also an independent plant, aka do not need special treatment.
"Left alone, provided sufficient water, at least once a week watering, these plants can live alone," he said.
Physically cormorant gendis beluntas similar plants, although higher and lush. Feature of this plant is shaped shrubs, erect stem with a height of approximately 2.5 meters. These plants have segmented stems and green.
Concocting Ki Sharply
Gendis cormorant is also popularly called ki sharply, especially in West Java. Here are some examples of their formula.
- Normalize blood sugar
Take two handfuls or 10 grams of leaves that have been dilayukan gendis cormorant. Then enter into the water already boiling and soak in it for about a minute. Filter to take water. Once cool, it can be drunk directly
- The durability of the body
Take two handfuls or 10 grams of leaves that have been dilayukan gendis cormorant and 10 grams of leaves meniran. Both materials incorporated into the already boiling water and soak in it for about a minute. Filter to take water. After a cold can be drunk directly. You can also add these ingredients with honey to taste.
- Healthy Drinks
Take the extract to taste (dried leaves) gendis steamer, then mixed with hot water, such as making tea. Add a little rock sugar or honey as a sweetener.
Acupuncture to Reduce Labor Pain
The shadows of pain during labor will often haunt the women who give birth. Labor pain is felt because of the uterine contractions caused by dilation of the cervix and lower uterine segment.
With medical progress, found a variety of methods of pain control, either pharmacologically (with drugs) and nonfarmakologis.
Nonfarmakologis method can be done through a psychological approach, such as hypnotherapy and sensory approach, such as acupuncture, and no manual intervention, such as hydrotherapy.
Excess nonfarmakologis method, according to physician obstetrics gynecology from District General Hospital Dr Moewardi, Solo, Abdurahman Laqif, no need to use the drug. As for overcoming pain pharmacologically using drugs can cause side effects such as long-term effects on infant, maternal bladder inflammation, and the time of delivery phase of the first stage (from the pain until the full opening) which is longer.
Acupuncture (treatment by needling technique) can be used to reduce pain during labor and shorten the duration of labor.
Block the pain expert anesthesiology, Reanimation, and acupuncture Eleven University School of Medicine March (UNS) in Solo, Sudirman Sharif, said that acupuncture stimulates the release of chemicals, like endorphins, enkefalin, dynorphin, serotonin, and noradrenaline, which block the pain and give a sense of calm.
"Acupuncture gives effect to the point that the needle pierced a blood vessel dilation that can absorb chemical substances cause pain," said Sharif who also served in the Orthopaedic Hospital Prof. Dr. Socialization Soeharso over Free Use of Acupuncture in Childbirth Pain in the Faculty of Medicine, UNS Solo, Thursday ( 17 / 2).
Acupuncture began to do when the mother entered the first stage of labor phase, ie when the cervix opens as far as 4 inches. It was performed acupuncture on his back. Needle puncture was performed at admission stage II (from full opening to the fetus out) which is characterized by the existence of power to his (contraction) and straining to push the fetus is born. Acupuncture performed on bones sacrum (the very bottom of the spine).
Acupuncture can inhibit pain arising in a body structure by sending a sensor to a specific section in the spinal cord. Pricking needle at or near the structure that the pain will give effect to block the pain.
"Acupuncture does not eliminate the required contractions during labor. Acupuncture reduces pain to a tolerable limit birth mother. Labor pain, which is a natural pain is still needed as a sign in the birth process, "said Sharif.
According to Sharif, the method of acupuncture to reduce labor pain has not been practiced in Indonesia. To that end, he collaborated with obstetricians introduce this method to the midwives and acupuncturists in the city of Solo. "In Europe, this method is commonly used," he said.
The method of acupuncture to reduce labor pain, Sharif continued, successful team needs support, namely her husband, family, midwives, acupuncturists, and obstetricians in accordance with their respective roles. The action of acupuncture applied with expected normal delivery terms, the mother's blood pressure is normal, and the position of the baby's head first in the birth canal.
"Reduced pain will remove psychological barriers to the mother giving birth so that the process suitable maternity ideal phase," said Abdurahman Laqif.
With medical progress, found a variety of methods of pain control, either pharmacologically (with drugs) and nonfarmakologis.
Nonfarmakologis method can be done through a psychological approach, such as hypnotherapy and sensory approach, such as acupuncture, and no manual intervention, such as hydrotherapy.
Excess nonfarmakologis method, according to physician obstetrics gynecology from District General Hospital Dr Moewardi, Solo, Abdurahman Laqif, no need to use the drug. As for overcoming pain pharmacologically using drugs can cause side effects such as long-term effects on infant, maternal bladder inflammation, and the time of delivery phase of the first stage (from the pain until the full opening) which is longer.
Acupuncture (treatment by needling technique) can be used to reduce pain during labor and shorten the duration of labor.
Block the pain expert anesthesiology, Reanimation, and acupuncture Eleven University School of Medicine March (UNS) in Solo, Sudirman Sharif, said that acupuncture stimulates the release of chemicals, like endorphins, enkefalin, dynorphin, serotonin, and noradrenaline, which block the pain and give a sense of calm.
"Acupuncture gives effect to the point that the needle pierced a blood vessel dilation that can absorb chemical substances cause pain," said Sharif who also served in the Orthopaedic Hospital Prof. Dr. Socialization Soeharso over Free Use of Acupuncture in Childbirth Pain in the Faculty of Medicine, UNS Solo, Thursday ( 17 / 2).
Acupuncture began to do when the mother entered the first stage of labor phase, ie when the cervix opens as far as 4 inches. It was performed acupuncture on his back. Needle puncture was performed at admission stage II (from full opening to the fetus out) which is characterized by the existence of power to his (contraction) and straining to push the fetus is born. Acupuncture performed on bones sacrum (the very bottom of the spine).
Acupuncture can inhibit pain arising in a body structure by sending a sensor to a specific section in the spinal cord. Pricking needle at or near the structure that the pain will give effect to block the pain.
"Acupuncture does not eliminate the required contractions during labor. Acupuncture reduces pain to a tolerable limit birth mother. Labor pain, which is a natural pain is still needed as a sign in the birth process, "said Sharif.
According to Sharif, the method of acupuncture to reduce labor pain has not been practiced in Indonesia. To that end, he collaborated with obstetricians introduce this method to the midwives and acupuncturists in the city of Solo. "In Europe, this method is commonly used," he said.
The method of acupuncture to reduce labor pain, Sharif continued, successful team needs support, namely her husband, family, midwives, acupuncturists, and obstetricians in accordance with their respective roles. The action of acupuncture applied with expected normal delivery terms, the mother's blood pressure is normal, and the position of the baby's head first in the birth canal.
"Reduced pain will remove psychological barriers to the mother giving birth so that the process suitable maternity ideal phase," said Abdurahman Laqif.
Obesity Causes of Death in the Fifth World
Obesity or overweight cause mortality 10.3 per cent of the world. According to WHO, the figures were ranked as the fifth leading cause of death in the world. Globally, 1.6 billion adults are overweight and 400 million are obese.
While physical inactivity ranks the world's fourth-leading cause of death. In fact, 31 percent of the world community of all ages and 60 percent to 85 percent of adults in the world are not physically active.
In Indonesia, now 19.1 percent of people aged over 15 years of suffering from obesity. While 19.8 percent have a distended stomach or central obesity, and 48.2 percent people aged over 10 years of lack of activity.
During this time, many people are aware of the dangers of overweight and obesity. However, few are aware of how dangerous physical inactivity. From the WHO data, physical inactivity is closely related to 3.2 million deaths per year, 70,000 premature deaths for people under the age of 60 years worldwide, and 90 percent of disability before age 60 years in developing countries.
Behavioral inactivity among others sit back and lie outside of time sleeping, watching television, playing video games, and working at the computer. All of these activities can cause the disease because that is sitting for too long sat disease.
According to the American Cancer Society, 94 percent female and 48 percent of men who are inactive and sit for more than six hours a day have a greater risk of degenerative diseases that cause death than those who are inactive or sit less than three hours per day.
From various research, proved to be active or sitting for long periods will shut down muscular activity, circulation slows down, and turn off various enzyme breaker triglycerides.
For that, the Fitness First gym Lose it launched a program that invites people to live healthy and combat obesity.
Do not directly target should go down a dozen or tens of kilograms and practice up to two hours. Anyone would be bored and give up. Better to practice and move routine and continued to increase the intensity of exercise time. For example, initially only 10-20 minutes and is expanding into two hours. It is more effective and ultimately body weight will decrease, said Dave Nuku, Regional Manager of Fitness First and Fitness coach bi ru in the program The Biggest Loser Asia in Jakarta, Thursday (23 / 2).
According to coach New Zealand, it is better to invite your body and mind to gradually love and need exercise and other physical activity so that the body used to always choose a healthy way and roads. If used once, they would choose healthy foods and processed in a healthy manner in order to maintain fitness and health, Nuku said.
While physical inactivity ranks the world's fourth-leading cause of death. In fact, 31 percent of the world community of all ages and 60 percent to 85 percent of adults in the world are not physically active.
In Indonesia, now 19.1 percent of people aged over 15 years of suffering from obesity. While 19.8 percent have a distended stomach or central obesity, and 48.2 percent people aged over 10 years of lack of activity.
During this time, many people are aware of the dangers of overweight and obesity. However, few are aware of how dangerous physical inactivity. From the WHO data, physical inactivity is closely related to 3.2 million deaths per year, 70,000 premature deaths for people under the age of 60 years worldwide, and 90 percent of disability before age 60 years in developing countries.
Behavioral inactivity among others sit back and lie outside of time sleeping, watching television, playing video games, and working at the computer. All of these activities can cause the disease because that is sitting for too long sat disease.
According to the American Cancer Society, 94 percent female and 48 percent of men who are inactive and sit for more than six hours a day have a greater risk of degenerative diseases that cause death than those who are inactive or sit less than three hours per day.
From various research, proved to be active or sitting for long periods will shut down muscular activity, circulation slows down, and turn off various enzyme breaker triglycerides.
For that, the Fitness First gym Lose it launched a program that invites people to live healthy and combat obesity.
Do not directly target should go down a dozen or tens of kilograms and practice up to two hours. Anyone would be bored and give up. Better to practice and move routine and continued to increase the intensity of exercise time. For example, initially only 10-20 minutes and is expanding into two hours. It is more effective and ultimately body weight will decrease, said Dave Nuku, Regional Manager of Fitness First and Fitness coach bi ru in the program The Biggest Loser Asia in Jakarta, Thursday (23 / 2).
According to coach New Zealand, it is better to invite your body and mind to gradually love and need exercise and other physical activity so that the body used to always choose a healthy way and roads. If used once, they would choose healthy foods and processed in a healthy manner in order to maintain fitness and health, Nuku said.
Natural Hair Care Tips – Oils for regrowth

The basic and most simple way to prevent hair loss is to apply natural oil. Oil for the hair is very good and equally it is important as it makes our hair to grow stronger and thicker.
(1) Coconut Oil is the best when it comes to strengthening the hair and the roots. Applying coconut oil to your hair once a week before you have a bath is very essential and the best hair loss tips. You can also mix lime with coconut oil and apply to the hair.
(2) Amla Oil is made out of pure natural ingredients which will help your hair to grow stronger and thicker too. It is an important ingredient in this oil as it nourishes the scalp and promotes hair growth. Massage your head well with this non sticky amla oil and leave overnight for better results.
(3) The Mustard Oil when combined with that of heena is very effective, To apply on the hair, first you have to boil the henna leaves and mix the it along with the hot mustard oil. The mustard oil has omega 3 fatty acids which help in hair growth.
(4) Apply some Castor oil to the scalp of your head and not to the whole length of the hair as it will difficult to remove when you wash. Wrap your head in a towel and let it be overnight. Wash it off the first thing in the morning and you will see the difference in a few weeks when done regularly.
(5) However, the smell of this Fish Oil is unpleasant so taking fish oil tablets really helps to increase hair growth.
Acupuncture Health Benefits – for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS

Women with (polycystic ovary syndromePCOS) can improve hormone levels and menstrual bleeding pattern with the help of Acupuncture and physical exercise.
PCOS is a common disorder that affects up to 10% of all women of child-bearing age. Women with this health effect frequently have irregular ovulation and menstruation, with many small immature egg follicles in the ovaries.
This causes the ovaries to produce more testosterone which, in turn, leads to troublesome hair growth and acne. Obesity, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease are also widespread among these patients.
Women with PCOS have a highly active sympathetic nervous system, the part that isn't controlled by our will, and that both acupuncture and regular exercise reduced levels of activity in this system compared with the control group, which could be an explanation for the results.
Healthy Pregnancy Diet - Vegetarian Plans

By understanding how pregnancy changes your dietary needs and by learning how to face them despite your vegetarian diet, you can gain the necessary confidence to enjoy your pregnancy, get rid of worries and to reassure others that you and your baby will be just fine.
Babies born by vegetarian mothers are just as healthy as the other children are. This can possible if the vegetarian mothers are very careful about their vegetarian diet and learn to create daily menus so as to accumulate all the necessary elements for a healthy fetus development.
Doctors recommend a pregnant woman weight gain of approximately 11 to 16 kg during pregnancy, and this will require 300 extra calories each day.
It can be more difficult for a vegetarian mother to gain weight.
Cereals, vegetables, nuts and seeds, dairy (for lacto vegetarians) and starchy vegetables can be excellent sources of calories during this period.
A pregnant woman's weight gain during her pregnancy is closely related to the baby's birth weight, just as the baby's health depends on his weight at birth.
One way to increase the number of calories is to add oil or other sauces to your food. Try to eat highly caloric foods such as nuts or peanut butter. Eating little and often during the day can also help you gain weight.
If you are introduce dairy products and eggs in their diet should have no problems accumulating the necessary calcium and iron during pregnancy.
A healthy diet before pregnancy will be a good source of nutrients for the baby during pregnancy, since the fetus is most likely to develop nutritional problems in early pregnancy, when he is developing most rapidly.
Sickness with Goji Berry-desist
Goji berry or Chinese wolfberry (Lucium Fruit) is known as food to prevent premature aging. Research Tufts University in Boston proved that contain goji ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity). Research in 1988 by the Beijing Nutrition Research Institute also concluded that a single fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids.
Goji fruit also contains betaine that are useful to stimulate the liver to produce kolina to calm nerves, sharpen memory, prevent fat accumulation in the liver. Other content of this fruit is physalin, Solavetivone, Beta-sitoserol, and Cyperone.
Another benefit of this fruit is as anti-fungal and anti bacterial, anti-inflammatory, preventing prostate enlargement, as well as lowering cholesterol. Goji fruit can also help overcome heart problems and high blood.
If you have dry goji, though by how soaked in hot water, then pressed with a spoon. Then, drink the water like tea. It's best to drink goji juice organic. Try drinking organic goji for 14 days as many as 300 ml, every morning or evening on an empty stomach.
Securities that will be obtained is increased energy, better sleep, feeling calmer and more focused. By choosing organic products, we will get the nutrients more perfect. Goji juice can be found at leading supermarkets. However, avoid goji berries when they are taking blood thinners.
Goji fruit also contains betaine that are useful to stimulate the liver to produce kolina to calm nerves, sharpen memory, prevent fat accumulation in the liver. Other content of this fruit is physalin, Solavetivone, Beta-sitoserol, and Cyperone.
Another benefit of this fruit is as anti-fungal and anti bacterial, anti-inflammatory, preventing prostate enlargement, as well as lowering cholesterol. Goji fruit can also help overcome heart problems and high blood.
If you have dry goji, though by how soaked in hot water, then pressed with a spoon. Then, drink the water like tea. It's best to drink goji juice organic. Try drinking organic goji for 14 days as many as 300 ml, every morning or evening on an empty stomach.
Securities that will be obtained is increased energy, better sleep, feeling calmer and more focused. By choosing organic products, we will get the nutrients more perfect. Goji juice can be found at leading supermarkets. However, avoid goji berries when they are taking blood thinners.
Overcome with Teak Dutch Cholesterol
The leaves are part of the plant that is often utilized. One of them is Dutch Jati. Efficacy of this herb has been tested, such as the ability to reduce the risk of diarrhea, weight problems, to control the rate of cholesterol.
From ancient times the people of Indonesia, especially those living on the island of Java, had been familiar with and use the cooking water leaves Dutch identity as a raw material for herbal slimming the body, commonly known as extractive singset (Javanese). Experience as well as empirical evidence of this is "arrested" herbal medicine company, so that now almost all herbal slimming always take a leaf properties of Dutch identity.
Setyoko of Medicinal Plants Garden Sekar, explained that to make the herb can be done with dry leaves. Next milled to make powder.
"After becoming a powder, take 20 grams, and brewed with hot water. Strain and drink two times a day. However, those with kidney problems should avoid this herb, "he said.
Many studies have shown that leaf identity is useful for weight loss. Later leaves Dutch identity is believed to have more benefits than that, the potential for development as controller of cholesterol herbs.
Declining real Yosie Andrews H.S. Laboratory of Biochemistry at the Bogor Agricultural Institute has done research to determine the influence of Dutch identity leaves (in the form of water extract, ethanol extract, and active fraction of steroid) on blood lipid levels (TPC, triglycerides, LDL, and HDL / high density lipoprotein).
Research using rabbits as experimental animals in the four treatment groups. Each group consisted of five male.
It turned out that the extract of leaves of Dutch identity (in the three forms of water extract, ethanol extract, and active fraction of steroid) effect on blood lipid levels (TPC, triglycerides, LDL, and HDL). Levels of TPC, LDL, and triglycerides in the control treatment (without giving teak leaves) looks very high (significantly different) compared with the levels of TPC, LDL, and triglycerides were treated with teak leaves.
This fact indicates a decrease in levels of TPC, LDL, and triglycerides from the leaves of Dutch identity. Percentage decrease in the highest levels of TPC in granting leaves of Dutch identity in the treatment of ethanol extract (62 percent), followed by water extract treatment (55 percent), and the active fraction of steroids (36 percent).
Raise HDL Giving Dutch teak leaf extract also resulted in increasing HDL. HDL can lower cholesterol levels in the cell by taking excess cholesterol from tissues to then be processed in the liver and then disposed of with bile.
Gan (1987) mentions, HDL has a protective effect against heart blood vessels. Furthermore, from this study can be concluded that the leaves of Dutch identity proven to reduce blood lipid levels. This means that the leaves can be used as Dutch identity antihiperlipidemia alternative medicine.
This fact in recent years taken by entrepreneurs to develop medicinal products made from raw leaves of Dutch identity. Not surprisingly, many available products processed fitofarmaka this herb-based, such as in powder form in capsules or steeping, like tea.
Explained Setyoko, in principle, this herb is very safe, of course, if treated with pure and clean, without any mixture of chemicals. "To be sure, there's no harm in trying to sort through and mixes it himself, in order to ensure free from a mixture of chemicals," he added.
In addition to leaves, other parts of the tree have medicinal Dutch identity which is leather, fruit, and seeds. The inside skin is usually used as a medicine to cure worm disease, swollen legs or feet of an elephant.
The fruit is used as remedies for whooping cough. Decoction of the seeds that have been burned like a coffee can be drunk as a cure constipation. However, it remains necessary prudence in the use of leaves and seeds of Dutch identity as a drug. The reason is, if too much can cause intestinal damage. Therefore, besides the leaves, the utilization of other parts of Dutch identity is relatively rare and I have found no toxic test.
If you are interested menaman Dutch identity, is actually relatively easy. These plants do not need much water and do not require special care.
Simply Poured Boiling Water Into Concocting leaves Dutch identity is relatively easy. Dried leaves brewed with hot water enough, like making tea. Often these leaves are also made extracts or powders.
Here are some examples of ingredients:
1. Peluruh cholesterol
Take some dried leaves of Dutch identity. Brewed with hot water to taste, such as making tea. Strain before drinking. In order not bland, add one tablespoon of honey or sugar cubes.
2. Pereda Diarrhea
Dutch identity leaves dry milled to become powder. Take 20 grams of this powder and brewed with hot water. Then strain and drink twice daily. If you prefer, can be mixed kencur and honey to taste.
Note: People with kidney problems should avoid this herb.
3. Slimming
Take seven pieces of fresh leaves of Dutch identity and wash clean. Add a piece of rhizome bangle, ginger, turmeric or white. Boil with one half cup water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and drink. When mixes it should be the same with ginger or turmeric and white in order to reduce the effects of gastric irritation. During taking this herb, keep drinking lots of water.
From ancient times the people of Indonesia, especially those living on the island of Java, had been familiar with and use the cooking water leaves Dutch identity as a raw material for herbal slimming the body, commonly known as extractive singset (Javanese). Experience as well as empirical evidence of this is "arrested" herbal medicine company, so that now almost all herbal slimming always take a leaf properties of Dutch identity.
Setyoko of Medicinal Plants Garden Sekar, explained that to make the herb can be done with dry leaves. Next milled to make powder.
"After becoming a powder, take 20 grams, and brewed with hot water. Strain and drink two times a day. However, those with kidney problems should avoid this herb, "he said.
Many studies have shown that leaf identity is useful for weight loss. Later leaves Dutch identity is believed to have more benefits than that, the potential for development as controller of cholesterol herbs.
Declining real Yosie Andrews H.S. Laboratory of Biochemistry at the Bogor Agricultural Institute has done research to determine the influence of Dutch identity leaves (in the form of water extract, ethanol extract, and active fraction of steroid) on blood lipid levels (TPC, triglycerides, LDL, and HDL / high density lipoprotein).
Research using rabbits as experimental animals in the four treatment groups. Each group consisted of five male.
It turned out that the extract of leaves of Dutch identity (in the three forms of water extract, ethanol extract, and active fraction of steroid) effect on blood lipid levels (TPC, triglycerides, LDL, and HDL). Levels of TPC, LDL, and triglycerides in the control treatment (without giving teak leaves) looks very high (significantly different) compared with the levels of TPC, LDL, and triglycerides were treated with teak leaves.
This fact indicates a decrease in levels of TPC, LDL, and triglycerides from the leaves of Dutch identity. Percentage decrease in the highest levels of TPC in granting leaves of Dutch identity in the treatment of ethanol extract (62 percent), followed by water extract treatment (55 percent), and the active fraction of steroids (36 percent).
Raise HDL Giving Dutch teak leaf extract also resulted in increasing HDL. HDL can lower cholesterol levels in the cell by taking excess cholesterol from tissues to then be processed in the liver and then disposed of with bile.
Gan (1987) mentions, HDL has a protective effect against heart blood vessels. Furthermore, from this study can be concluded that the leaves of Dutch identity proven to reduce blood lipid levels. This means that the leaves can be used as Dutch identity antihiperlipidemia alternative medicine.
This fact in recent years taken by entrepreneurs to develop medicinal products made from raw leaves of Dutch identity. Not surprisingly, many available products processed fitofarmaka this herb-based, such as in powder form in capsules or steeping, like tea.
Explained Setyoko, in principle, this herb is very safe, of course, if treated with pure and clean, without any mixture of chemicals. "To be sure, there's no harm in trying to sort through and mixes it himself, in order to ensure free from a mixture of chemicals," he added.
In addition to leaves, other parts of the tree have medicinal Dutch identity which is leather, fruit, and seeds. The inside skin is usually used as a medicine to cure worm disease, swollen legs or feet of an elephant.
The fruit is used as remedies for whooping cough. Decoction of the seeds that have been burned like a coffee can be drunk as a cure constipation. However, it remains necessary prudence in the use of leaves and seeds of Dutch identity as a drug. The reason is, if too much can cause intestinal damage. Therefore, besides the leaves, the utilization of other parts of Dutch identity is relatively rare and I have found no toxic test.
If you are interested menaman Dutch identity, is actually relatively easy. These plants do not need much water and do not require special care.
Simply Poured Boiling Water Into Concocting leaves Dutch identity is relatively easy. Dried leaves brewed with hot water enough, like making tea. Often these leaves are also made extracts or powders.
Here are some examples of ingredients:
1. Peluruh cholesterol
Take some dried leaves of Dutch identity. Brewed with hot water to taste, such as making tea. Strain before drinking. In order not bland, add one tablespoon of honey or sugar cubes.
2. Pereda Diarrhea
Dutch identity leaves dry milled to become powder. Take 20 grams of this powder and brewed with hot water. Then strain and drink twice daily. If you prefer, can be mixed kencur and honey to taste.
Note: People with kidney problems should avoid this herb.
3. Slimming
Take seven pieces of fresh leaves of Dutch identity and wash clean. Add a piece of rhizome bangle, ginger, turmeric or white. Boil with one half cup water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and drink. When mixes it should be the same with ginger or turmeric and white in order to reduce the effects of gastric irritation. During taking this herb, keep drinking lots of water.
Seeds Melinjo Increase Endurance
Melinjo mention, most people probably know him as a raw material chips with its distinctive bitter taste. There are those who abstain melinjo for fear of uric acid. However, do you know melinjo seeds are also rich in antioxidants and can increase endurance.
Researchers from the University of Jember, Tri Agus Siswoyo, judging that the antioxidant activity of seeds melinjo equivalent to vitamin C. This antioxidant activity obtained from a high protein concentration, 9-10 percent in each seed melinjo. The main protein is very effective to eliminate free radicals cause various diseases, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, narrowing of blood vessels, premature aging, etc..
Great potential that is contained in a seed or Gnetum gnemon melinjo it makes Tri believe melinjo is a suitable source of functional protein used as a food supplement nutrasetikal (nutritious food for health), including to prevent and treat disease. Moreover melinjo seeds are easy to obtain.
Cheap Supplements
Recognized until now I have found no formal studies on the use of seed proteins melinjo as a source of antioxidants. In fact, if the use of antioxidant peptides from hydrolysis gnemon Gnetum seed is successful, will be available nutrasetikal supplements are cheap and can be a safe alternative.
Unlike in the country, Japan has looked at the potential of antioxidant from the seeds of this Gnetaceae family. Tri research results on the isolation and characterization of antioxidant peptide from the seeds of this melinjo, making it one recipient of research funds from the Indonesia Toray Science Foundation, a foundation established textile company and Japan's largest synthetic fiber.
Similar Ginkgo
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) said, melinjo including ancient plants that are evolutionarily close to the plant Ginkgo biloba in Japan. The reason for this is what makes Japanese people are interested to develop it.
Ginkgo is the oldest tree species that have grown over 150-200 million years and believed to be a brain tonic for strengthening the memory. Ginkgo leaf also has strong antioxidant properties and plays an important role in the oxidation of free radicals cause premature aging and senile.
However, it is not just an ancient plant that makes Tri interested in researching a plant that grows in Southeast Asia, but melinjo resistance to disease, either bacterial, fungal, or pests. Over the past two years reviewing melinjo, Tri has examines the interaction between starch and lipids in the seed melinjo, melinjo protein stability to heat and phenolic content, as well as a source of flavonoid antioxidants.
Natural antimicrobials
Until recently doctorate in biochemistry from Osaka Prefecture University, Japan had been isolated two types of proteins that show high antioxidant activity. From all parts of the plant melinjo diekstraknya ever, ranging from leaves, bark, roots, until seeds, Tri find the most potential of seed proteins. Research indicates the antioxidant activity is equivalent to the synthetic antioxidant BHT (Butylated Hydroxytolune).
Of the two protein fractions that, found another function melinjo as a natural antimicrobial. That means melinjo protein can also be used as a natural food preservative as well as new drugs for diseases caused by bacteria. Gg-AMP peptides isolated from seeds melinjo have indicated an active potential for inhibiting several types of gram positive and negative.
Healthy snacks
To get the benefits, melinjo can be eaten directly by boiling and used as a snack, or as a mixture of vegetables. It was also recognized activist Rahayu Pudji medicinal plants from Bekasi. He often utilizes melinjo seeds as potions to increase stamina.
"The way is to boil it, such as boiling peanut or vegetable mixture made with sour leaves. People are not many know that melinjo have antioxidant functions, which are generally known to a new high purinnya content and can cause uric acid, "he explained.
Simply Boiling or Disayur
- No complicated actually utilize melinjo seed. Simply boil it, such as boiling peanuts, as well as making it a mixture of vegetables or vegetable acids ve. Because that is used is the seeds, how to eat them is also quite easy. Can be eaten directly (be a light meal or snack) after the skin peeled.
- Select melinjo is not actually a specific benchmark. All types can basically be used. If you do not want to get a seed that is still very soft, with young melinjo can choose a green skin. Conversely, an elderly melinjo reddish yellow, the seeds is a bit harsh.
- If you have high purine levels or risk of uric acid (gout), should not consume too much melinjo. The recommended dose of normal consumption, just a handful of seeds melinjo boiled in a day. Remember, before boiling, melinjo seeds should be washed until completely clean.
Researchers from the University of Jember, Tri Agus Siswoyo, judging that the antioxidant activity of seeds melinjo equivalent to vitamin C. This antioxidant activity obtained from a high protein concentration, 9-10 percent in each seed melinjo. The main protein is very effective to eliminate free radicals cause various diseases, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, narrowing of blood vessels, premature aging, etc..
Great potential that is contained in a seed or Gnetum gnemon melinjo it makes Tri believe melinjo is a suitable source of functional protein used as a food supplement nutrasetikal (nutritious food for health), including to prevent and treat disease. Moreover melinjo seeds are easy to obtain.
Cheap Supplements
Recognized until now I have found no formal studies on the use of seed proteins melinjo as a source of antioxidants. In fact, if the use of antioxidant peptides from hydrolysis gnemon Gnetum seed is successful, will be available nutrasetikal supplements are cheap and can be a safe alternative.
Unlike in the country, Japan has looked at the potential of antioxidant from the seeds of this Gnetaceae family. Tri research results on the isolation and characterization of antioxidant peptide from the seeds of this melinjo, making it one recipient of research funds from the Indonesia Toray Science Foundation, a foundation established textile company and Japan's largest synthetic fiber.
Similar Ginkgo
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) said, melinjo including ancient plants that are evolutionarily close to the plant Ginkgo biloba in Japan. The reason for this is what makes Japanese people are interested to develop it.
Ginkgo is the oldest tree species that have grown over 150-200 million years and believed to be a brain tonic for strengthening the memory. Ginkgo leaf also has strong antioxidant properties and plays an important role in the oxidation of free radicals cause premature aging and senile.
However, it is not just an ancient plant that makes Tri interested in researching a plant that grows in Southeast Asia, but melinjo resistance to disease, either bacterial, fungal, or pests. Over the past two years reviewing melinjo, Tri has examines the interaction between starch and lipids in the seed melinjo, melinjo protein stability to heat and phenolic content, as well as a source of flavonoid antioxidants.
Natural antimicrobials
Until recently doctorate in biochemistry from Osaka Prefecture University, Japan had been isolated two types of proteins that show high antioxidant activity. From all parts of the plant melinjo diekstraknya ever, ranging from leaves, bark, roots, until seeds, Tri find the most potential of seed proteins. Research indicates the antioxidant activity is equivalent to the synthetic antioxidant BHT (Butylated Hydroxytolune).
Of the two protein fractions that, found another function melinjo as a natural antimicrobial. That means melinjo protein can also be used as a natural food preservative as well as new drugs for diseases caused by bacteria. Gg-AMP peptides isolated from seeds melinjo have indicated an active potential for inhibiting several types of gram positive and negative.
Healthy snacks
To get the benefits, melinjo can be eaten directly by boiling and used as a snack, or as a mixture of vegetables. It was also recognized activist Rahayu Pudji medicinal plants from Bekasi. He often utilizes melinjo seeds as potions to increase stamina.
"The way is to boil it, such as boiling peanut or vegetable mixture made with sour leaves. People are not many know that melinjo have antioxidant functions, which are generally known to a new high purinnya content and can cause uric acid, "he explained.
Simply Boiling or Disayur
- No complicated actually utilize melinjo seed. Simply boil it, such as boiling peanuts, as well as making it a mixture of vegetables or vegetable acids ve. Because that is used is the seeds, how to eat them is also quite easy. Can be eaten directly (be a light meal or snack) after the skin peeled.
- Select melinjo is not actually a specific benchmark. All types can basically be used. If you do not want to get a seed that is still very soft, with young melinjo can choose a green skin. Conversely, an elderly melinjo reddish yellow, the seeds is a bit harsh.
- If you have high purine levels or risk of uric acid (gout), should not consume too much melinjo. The recommended dose of normal consumption, just a handful of seeds melinjo boiled in a day. Remember, before boiling, melinjo seeds should be washed until completely clean.
Benefits similar to jackfruit for malaria
Based on information from the territory of Papua etnobotanik, Achmad Fuad Hafid and its team of Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Surabaya, developing antimalarial drug from the bark extract similar to jackfruit. Research that began about 10 years ago it produced a synergistic fitofarmaka tablets in combination with other antimalarial drugs.
Antimalarial from bark similar to jackfruit (Artocarpus champeden Spreng) is an indigenous population of Papua. However, Achmad not refer to indigenous anti-malarial bark similar to jackfruit was at a certain tribe in Papua. Therefore, knowledge of benefits similar to jackfruit tree bark as antimalarial spread in Papua.
Achmad develop pharmacological research with stem bark extract similar to jackfruit and mix with 80 percent ethanol. Extracts then tested on mice infected animal malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei.
As a result, the extract could inhibit malaria parasite development by 80 percent. Research continues to determine the compound marker (markers) on the bark similar to jackfruit. Marker compounds is very important to establish standardization of materials similar to jackfruit tree bark. From the bark similar to jackfruit, teams get the active compound Morachalkon A.
"Similar to jackfruit exist everywhere in Indonesia. Time quotes and location also determines the content of the active compound in the bark, "he added in his office on Wednesday (26 / 1). He is currently the Head of Administration of the University of Airlangga (Airlangga University).
Together with a team of researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University, namely Aty Widyawaruyanti and Wiwied Ekasari, Achmad researching bark similar to jackfruit from Papua, East Kalimantan and West Java.
Research carried out until the team get optimal point with healing benefits malaria tablets fitofarmaka bark ethanol extract similar to jackfruit, namely when antimalarial herbs can be combined with other antimalarial drugs, such as artemisinin or artesunat.
"The use of drug combinations recommended by the World Health Organization (World Health Organization / WHO) since a few years ago," he said.
WHO recommended antimalarial drug combinations with consideration, this time more easily and quickly place the alias immune resistance of malaria parasites to the drug-drug antidotes.
WHO determined resistance pattern, if a region has more than 25 percent were resistant to certain drugs. The drug was then advised not to be used within a certain period.
"The search range of active compounds as antimalarial is now increasingly required. Bark extract similar to jackfruit be an option, although this time can not be mass produced, "he said.
He is targeting, this antimalarial drug can be mass produced in 2014. During the remaining time, he will take care of patents (intellectual property) of this antimalarial herbal drug.
Drug program
Achmad said that herbal medicine is different antimalarial drugs, other herbal medicine. Most of the herbal medicine easily circulated after the stated completion clinic trials with experimental animals as a standardized herbal medicine (OHT).
Especially after herbal medicine through clinical trials on human patients become fitofarmaka, herbal medicine is more easily absorbed by the public.
"Antimalarial drugs should be a drug program that can not simply be produced and circulated to the community," he said.
According to him, the production of herbal medicine will be based on WHO recommendations and the government, in this case the Ministry of Health. Terms of antimalarial drugs as a drug program refers to the pattern of malaria parasite resistance to antimalarial drugs are now in circulation.
Resistance of malaria parasites initially known in 1961 against drug chloroquine in Thailand. In the following year is known in the United States, and since then spread throughout the world.
In Indonesia, the resistance to chloroquine is known in 1974 in the case of malaria in East Kalimantan. Resistance to various types of antimalarial drugs continues to grow.
The speed of resistance to antimalarial drugs depends on operational factors, such as determination of dose, patient adherence, pharmacologic factors, and factors of malaria transmission.
Chloroquine is the most widely used antimalarial. The price is relatively the most expensive with minimal side effects. However, benefits are reduced drastically due to chloroquine resistance.
Global Warming
Achmad said, the phenomenon of global warming contributed to the increase in the intensity of malaria. Global warming causes increased air humidity, increasing the proliferation of various types of insects, including mosquitoes. One is the female Anopheles mosquito as a vector (carrier) of malaria parasite that causes periodic chills fever sufferers.
"Antimalarial drugs similar to jackfruit tree bark showed the benefits of biodiversity richness that exists in Indonesia," he said.
Worldwide, malaria is estimated to now be able to infect 300 million people every year. Of this amount, 2 million-4 million people each year die from malaria.
Antimalarial from bark similar to jackfruit (Artocarpus champeden Spreng) is an indigenous population of Papua. However, Achmad not refer to indigenous anti-malarial bark similar to jackfruit was at a certain tribe in Papua. Therefore, knowledge of benefits similar to jackfruit tree bark as antimalarial spread in Papua.
Achmad develop pharmacological research with stem bark extract similar to jackfruit and mix with 80 percent ethanol. Extracts then tested on mice infected animal malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei.
As a result, the extract could inhibit malaria parasite development by 80 percent. Research continues to determine the compound marker (markers) on the bark similar to jackfruit. Marker compounds is very important to establish standardization of materials similar to jackfruit tree bark. From the bark similar to jackfruit, teams get the active compound Morachalkon A.
"Similar to jackfruit exist everywhere in Indonesia. Time quotes and location also determines the content of the active compound in the bark, "he added in his office on Wednesday (26 / 1). He is currently the Head of Administration of the University of Airlangga (Airlangga University).
Together with a team of researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University, namely Aty Widyawaruyanti and Wiwied Ekasari, Achmad researching bark similar to jackfruit from Papua, East Kalimantan and West Java.
Research carried out until the team get optimal point with healing benefits malaria tablets fitofarmaka bark ethanol extract similar to jackfruit, namely when antimalarial herbs can be combined with other antimalarial drugs, such as artemisinin or artesunat.
"The use of drug combinations recommended by the World Health Organization (World Health Organization / WHO) since a few years ago," he said.
WHO recommended antimalarial drug combinations with consideration, this time more easily and quickly place the alias immune resistance of malaria parasites to the drug-drug antidotes.
WHO determined resistance pattern, if a region has more than 25 percent were resistant to certain drugs. The drug was then advised not to be used within a certain period.
"The search range of active compounds as antimalarial is now increasingly required. Bark extract similar to jackfruit be an option, although this time can not be mass produced, "he said.
He is targeting, this antimalarial drug can be mass produced in 2014. During the remaining time, he will take care of patents (intellectual property) of this antimalarial herbal drug.
Drug program
Achmad said that herbal medicine is different antimalarial drugs, other herbal medicine. Most of the herbal medicine easily circulated after the stated completion clinic trials with experimental animals as a standardized herbal medicine (OHT).
Especially after herbal medicine through clinical trials on human patients become fitofarmaka, herbal medicine is more easily absorbed by the public.
"Antimalarial drugs should be a drug program that can not simply be produced and circulated to the community," he said.
According to him, the production of herbal medicine will be based on WHO recommendations and the government, in this case the Ministry of Health. Terms of antimalarial drugs as a drug program refers to the pattern of malaria parasite resistance to antimalarial drugs are now in circulation.
Resistance of malaria parasites initially known in 1961 against drug chloroquine in Thailand. In the following year is known in the United States, and since then spread throughout the world.
In Indonesia, the resistance to chloroquine is known in 1974 in the case of malaria in East Kalimantan. Resistance to various types of antimalarial drugs continues to grow.
The speed of resistance to antimalarial drugs depends on operational factors, such as determination of dose, patient adherence, pharmacologic factors, and factors of malaria transmission.
Chloroquine is the most widely used antimalarial. The price is relatively the most expensive with minimal side effects. However, benefits are reduced drastically due to chloroquine resistance.
Global Warming
Achmad said, the phenomenon of global warming contributed to the increase in the intensity of malaria. Global warming causes increased air humidity, increasing the proliferation of various types of insects, including mosquitoes. One is the female Anopheles mosquito as a vector (carrier) of malaria parasite that causes periodic chills fever sufferers.
"Antimalarial drugs similar to jackfruit tree bark showed the benefits of biodiversity richness that exists in Indonesia," he said.
Worldwide, malaria is estimated to now be able to infect 300 million people every year. Of this amount, 2 million-4 million people each year die from malaria.
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