What is Sinus Polyps? / Sinus Polyps Definition:-
Sinus Polyps (sometimes called sinus cysts) are not cancerous growths. In fact, they have nothing to do with sinus cancer. Nasal polyps are teardrop-shaped growths or swollen tissues that appear on the mucous membrane covering the surface of nasal passages and sinuses.
Sinus Polyps Symptoms Signs:-
Difficulty in breathing through the nose caused by constant stuffiness.
Postnasal drip (mucous discharge via the back of the throat).
Runny nose, Persistent symptoms of a common cold.
Impaired or loss of the sense of smell and taste.
Facial swelling followed by double vision.
Facial pain leading to a sinus polyp headache, itching around the eyes.
Snoring. Sometimes followed by sleep apnea (patient stops breathing for extended periods during the night). This condition could be dangerous.
Frequent sinus infection. Polyps hinder mucous drainage and this inevitably causes infection. This damming effect creates a build-up inside the sinus cavities... and this is a natural breeding ground for fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Sinus Polyps Causes Risk Factors:-
Prolonged and sustained inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the sinuses and nasal cavities. People suffering from chronic sinusitis (long-term and repetitive) with attacks lasting longer that 12 weeks are prone to the development of sinus polyps.
Age: People over the age of 40 often develop polyps for no apparent reason.
Allergens and pollution are a known cause of inflammation followed by the growth of polyps. Therefore people suffering from sinus allergies are at risk.
This also applies to fungal growth in the nasal passages as experienced by people suffering from fungal sinus infection.
Children with cystic fibrosis face a high risk of developing sinus polyps.
Hereditary factors are thought to contribute toward the development of polyps.
Sinus Polyps Herbal Treatments Cures Remedies Prevention:-
If symptoms of fungal allergies were detected, s/he would recommend fungicidal medication. Chronic bacterial sinusitis may call for extended treatment with antibiotics.
Oral corticosteroids: If nasal corticosteroids are ineffective, a brief course of oral corticosteroids may me recommended, either instead of or as a supplement to nasal steroids.
Nasal corticosteroid spray: These medications are highly targeted and carry few, if any harmful side effects. They are designed to reduce inflammation, shrink polyps and sometimes eliminate them altogether.
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