Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms Causes Prevention Home Treatments Remedies Cure

What is Plantar Fasciitis? / Plantar Fasciitis Definition:-

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition of the foot.

The term Plantar Fasciitis is derived from the words plantar referring to the bottom of the foot and fascia, which is a fibrous tissue that attaches to the bottom of the heel bone and extends forward to the toes.

Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms Signs:-

The main signs of plantar fasciitis are the feeling of acute pain in the inner side of the heel.

The onset of this problem is often associated with foot pain at the bottom of your heel, may be acute in the morning, but it often tends to improve gradually over the course of the day. Towards the evening, a dull ache replaces the pain, which may subside with adequate rest. The typical physical symptoms can include a mild swelling in the affected region, tenderness and redness at the bottom of the heel.

Plantar Fasciitis Causes Risk Factors:-

The most common cause of Plantar Fasciitis is abnormal probation of the foot, causing biomechanical misalignment. Factors that may contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis are obesity, inactivity, excessive periods of walking or standing on hard surfaces, and also badly worn shoes with insufficient arch support.

Plantar Fasciitis Home Natural Treatments Remedies Cure Care:-

Giving your feet a good rest and propping them up for the night will give it more time to do its own healing. Ice is always good for pain and this is one option for you. To reduce the inflammation of the ligament, you can take anti-inflammatory medicines. But before you take any, make sure you ask your doctor.

Plantar Fasciitis Prevention:-

Running on steep terrain, excessively hard or soft ground, etc can cause unnatural biomechanical strain to the foot, resulting in pain. This is generally a sign of stress leading to injury and should be curtailed or discontinued.

Athletic demands placed on the feet, particularly during running events, are extreme. Injury results when supportive structures in the foot have been taxed beyond their recovery capacity. Full support of the feet in well-fitting footwear reduces the likelihood of injury.

Probably the most important curative therapy for cases of plantar fasciitis is thorough rest. The injured athlete must be prepared to wait out the necessary healing phase, avoiding temptation to return prematurely to athletic activity.

Below are two simple strength exercises to help condition the muscles, tendons and joints around the foot and ankle.

Skin Care Tips Facts - Palmar Hyperhidrosis Symptoms Causes Treatments

What is Palmar Hyperhidrosis?

One of the most embarrassing things that could happen to you is for your palms to sweat excessively without you having any kind of control over it. Simple as it sounds, it is a condition which causes untold distress to those who are unlucky to suffer from it. This condition, in which sweat comes out excessively from the palms, is called Palmar Hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis Symptoms Signs:-

1. You experience your hands feeling clammy and perspire more than normal. Sometimes, it results to dripping sweat and it's very annoying when you have to shake somebody's hand.

2. The temperature of your palms compared to your other body parts are notably higher.

3. Your skin seems to peel when you excessively sweat. It's different from scaling but it's more close to exfoliating.

4. After the excessive sweating of palms, extreme dryness of palms is experienced.

Hyperhidrosis Causes Risk Factors:-

Generally, appearing for an exam or interview, meeting someone for the first time or going to school, college or office for the first time causes this condition. Most people just ignore and take no action it thinking it to be situational which will go away at the right time. Others may seek medical help and intervention.

Palmar Hyperhidrosis Home Herbal Treatment Remedies Cure Care:-

However ETS type of Hyperhidrosis treatment is expensive and may not be possible for everyone to afford. Iontophoresis requires regular weekly treatment for effectiveness. The best low budget option for people is to use natural hyperhidrosis treatment that works by correcting the over activity of the sympathetic nerve chain.

There is no medication specially designed to combat excessive sweating. However, anti-anxiety drugs are well known to stop excessive hand sweating. Keep in mind that this effect is not the intended purpose of anxiety medications and thus, should not be abused.

One of the most effective antiperspirants customized for sweaty hands is DrySol. Use these products to your discretion as they are not without side-effects. Common complains includes burning, itching, prickling, or tingling in the applied areas. Avoid making a habit out of using these products unless you have an important event that requires you hand to be sweat-free (exams, date, etc).

Health Tips Facts - Shin Splints Symptoms,Causes,Pain Relief Treatments Remedies

What are Shin Splints? /Shin Splints Definition:-

Shin splints are a very common ailment that affects athletes but can also occur in the non-athletic individual. It is an inflammatory condition occurring either in the front of the lower leg or in the back. The cause for each is different.

Shin Splints Symptoms Signs:-

Shin splints are typically brought on by the impact forces of exercise. Shin splints are a common, often seasonal injury that usually occurs when you start to run after a long layoff. They can also result from playing a sport (such as tennis) on a hard surface, changing your style of workout shoes, dramatically increasing workouts, or gaining a substantial amount of weight and then exercising.

Anterior shin splint is due to a muscle or tendon injury and results in pain and tenderness on the front outside of the leg. Posterior pain is typically caused by stressed muscles that help support and stabilize the arch of the foot. Stress fractures should be taken seriously, so if you suspect you have one, you should consult a physician before continuing to engage in any exercise or activity.

Shin Splints Causes Risk Factors:-

Running after a soccer ball, jogging around the neighborhood park or training for a marathon, you're at risk of running-related injuries. One of the most common injuries is shin splints.

Shin splints is a common term used for a half a dozen lower leg problems ranging from nerve irritations to tendonitis to stress fractures. The most common type that is experienced involves the tearing away of the muscle tissue that attaches to the front of the lower leg.

Shin Splints Treatments Home Remedies:-

Vary the surfaces you run on - roads are built for cars to run on, not humans.

Never increase your speed and mileage at the same time - one or the other, and not by more than 10% in one go.

Check your footwear regularly and replace running shoes every 6 months or so.

Have running shoes fitted properly in a store that specializes.

Always warm up for at least 5 minutes.

Stretch afterwards, rather than before. You may just want to get in the shower, but this is the best 5 minutes you'll ever spend.

Rest and ice shin splints.

Cycle or row to take some of the strain off your shins.

See a physio and get treatment.