If your body weight goes up, not just body fat increases, but also the risk of various diseases. That's because the conditions that can make a person old quickly, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and pain, closely related to the presence of excess fat.
In determining the normal weight, you can use body mass index (BMI), which divides weight by height squared. Value exceeding 25 is considered overweight (overweight) and obese if the value exceeds 30. In addition to calculating BMI, you can also measure the fatness of the abdominal circumference. For women, the maximum is 80 cm and 90 cm for men.
In addition to making the body so it is not agile, piles of fat in the body will invite the arrival of the disease. Similar to other body parts, fat tissue also requires oxygen and nutrients from the blood. With the increased need for oxygen and nutrients, then the amount of blood flow throughout the body would have to increase as well. Thus, increasing the risk of high blood pressure.
Excess fat is also associated with increased LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Over time, these blood fat changes had a role in the formation of fatty deposits (plaques) in arteries. This condition is called atherosclerosis which can make your risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.
Diabetes type 2 is also closely linked to being overweight. Excess fat will directly influence the body's ability to balance blood sugar.
In addition to cardiovascular disease, according to Dr. John Tjandrawinata, SpGK from Boromeus Hospital, Bandung, there are several types of cancer associated with being overweight. "In women, such as breast cancer and uterine cancer. While in obese men, a greater risk of pancreatic cancer and biliary stones," he said.
What should be known is weight loss no matter how small would be useful. If you are obese, then lower the weight as much as 10 percent of it will give a positive effect on health.
Slimming, the traditional safer?
Fats, especially when it comes to accumulate in the body is now the enemy of many people. Therefore, all efforts to remove him popular chosen people, both men and women.
Those who want to lose weight but do not bother to exercise and regulate his diet, usually choosing medicine products, herbs, supplements, or slimming drinks.
Most of these products has not been clinically tested. Therefore dr.Johanes Tjandrawinata, Sp.GK, clinical nutritionist from Melinda Hospital Bandung, advised consumers to be more careful in choosing slimming products.
"Herbal or traditional medicines usually have the effect of increasing the frequency of urination and defecation. Hence the weight will quickly come down," he said at a media event education about anti-obesity drug safety in Jakarta, (1 / 12).
The herbs are often used for slimming are usually made from a plant of Dutch identity, yellow or saffron. Community because many are choosing herbal medicine made from natural ingredients that are safe for consumption.
Besides herbs, other products which have a way of working is similar to the herbal slimming green tea beverages. About this drink, dr.Johanes believes virtually all types of tea are able to reduce body fat.
"Research in Japan shows tea contains ECGC, an antioxidant that can increase metabolism and inhibit the formation of fat cells. Therefore, basically all types of tea can reduce body weight, origin consumed without sugar," he said.
Although most people think herbal and traditional medicines have fewer side effects than chemical drugs, but dr.Johanes said in the long term, traditional medicine can also cause side effects.
"Products that how it works out fluid can interfere with kidney and inhibited blood circulation," he said. He therefore suggested that users of medical herbs in advance to know the materials used clearly and regularly to check kidney.
What needs to be understood, according to him, that weight loss efforts is not a short process but the long term. "It can not be instant. Is not obesity is also a result of a long process?," He said. Enterprises should weight loss is holistic, ranging from setting diet, exercise, behavior modification, and medication, if needed.
Those who want to lose weight but do not bother to exercise and regulate his diet, usually choosing medicine products, herbs, supplements, or slimming drinks.
Most of these products has not been clinically tested. Therefore dr.Johanes Tjandrawinata, Sp.GK, clinical nutritionist from Melinda Hospital Bandung, advised consumers to be more careful in choosing slimming products.
"Herbal or traditional medicines usually have the effect of increasing the frequency of urination and defecation. Hence the weight will quickly come down," he said at a media event education about anti-obesity drug safety in Jakarta, (1 / 12).
The herbs are often used for slimming are usually made from a plant of Dutch identity, yellow or saffron. Community because many are choosing herbal medicine made from natural ingredients that are safe for consumption.
Besides herbs, other products which have a way of working is similar to the herbal slimming green tea beverages. About this drink, dr.Johanes believes virtually all types of tea are able to reduce body fat.
"Research in Japan shows tea contains ECGC, an antioxidant that can increase metabolism and inhibit the formation of fat cells. Therefore, basically all types of tea can reduce body weight, origin consumed without sugar," he said.
Although most people think herbal and traditional medicines have fewer side effects than chemical drugs, but dr.Johanes said in the long term, traditional medicine can also cause side effects.
"Products that how it works out fluid can interfere with kidney and inhibited blood circulation," he said. He therefore suggested that users of medical herbs in advance to know the materials used clearly and regularly to check kidney.
What needs to be understood, according to him, that weight loss efforts is not a short process but the long term. "It can not be instant. Is not obesity is also a result of a long process?," He said. Enterprises should weight loss is holistic, ranging from setting diet, exercise, behavior modification, and medication, if needed.
Tips for Dealing with Picky Eater Toddlers
Dhea instantly shut his mouth when Lusi (31), his mother, thrust the spoon which contains rice with vegetables spinach. However, 3-year-old girl was happily eating rice with fried sausage after the mother remove vegetables from his plate.
According to Louise, her daughter every day, just want to eat if given a side dish of fried sausages or eggs alone. "He immediately went on hunger strike if given the vegetables. And I had to outsmart so vegetables do not look," said the woman who is a lecturer of this.
Feeding in children under five is often a problem for parents. Many children against their parents when it comes to food and diet. Children who have difficulty eating or just ask the same types of foods such as Dhea is also called the picky eater. The children in this category are quite a lot, almost 50 percent.
Difficulty eating, according to Dr. Aryono Hendarto, Sp.A (K), most often experienced by children at the age of 1-5 years. "At this age children are usually very active and are happy to explore the surroundings. Therefore, no child likes eating activity because it is considered boring," said a doctor who is usually called Ari.
A survey showed that most children are picky eaters only eat mashed foods they like porridge (27.3 percent) and have kesulitah chewing and swallowing (24.1 percent). However, children picky eaters at age 2-3 years, in general, just like a certain food types.
Although the general experience of children under five, Dr. Ari confirmed that difficulty eating is not just a stage of growth. "There are many factors that affect why kids so it's hard to eat, for example because the child had a disease that does not have appetite to eat or because of psychological factors," said a doctor from the Division of Child Nutrition and Metabolic FKUI / RSCM Jakarta.
In seeking the causes of child feeding difficulties, according to Dr. Ari, there are some things parents need to be evaluated, for example, whether the number and amount of food that was given in accordance with the needs of children. "The size of the stomach of each child's different backgrounds, we should not force children to spend an excessive portion," he said in the event parenting workshops on nutrition for children hosted by Abbott Nutrition in Jakarta some time ago.
Parents also need to explore the character of children. For example, if the child including a difficult temperament or whether the parents have created a suitable environment. In addition, parents should also be sensitized on child hunger and satiety. "If just one hour to drink milk, it was clear he was still satisfied when told to eat," he explained.
When children do not eat well, they probably will not get the portion of the nutrients it needs so that it can have an impact on growth. Even so, parents should not give the wrong treatment to the child. "Forcing children to eat will only make things worse," added Dr Tjin Wiguna, Sp.KJ (K), a child psychiatrist.
He explained that, if parents want to develop eating properly, parents should first set an example for his son. "How can kids like vegetables if their parents never ate vegetables or bad comment on vegetables," he said.
Parents are also expected to create a comfortable environment, not in a hurry, and without pressure. "Children are also entitled to make choices like eating anything. Throughout healthy, meet only the demand for children," said Dr. Tjin.
Such as milk supplementation in children difficult to eat, according to Dr. Ari, okay if the child has a growth disorder, such as less weight. "Keep in mind that the supplement is not a substitute for daily meals. Children still need to be taught good eating habits," he said.
To find out the nutritional adequacy diasup children, parents can see from the chart the growth of the child's weight. "If within three months of weight infants do not go up, then indeed he is short of nutrients," he said.
According to Louise, her daughter every day, just want to eat if given a side dish of fried sausages or eggs alone. "He immediately went on hunger strike if given the vegetables. And I had to outsmart so vegetables do not look," said the woman who is a lecturer of this.
Feeding in children under five is often a problem for parents. Many children against their parents when it comes to food and diet. Children who have difficulty eating or just ask the same types of foods such as Dhea is also called the picky eater. The children in this category are quite a lot, almost 50 percent.
Difficulty eating, according to Dr. Aryono Hendarto, Sp.A (K), most often experienced by children at the age of 1-5 years. "At this age children are usually very active and are happy to explore the surroundings. Therefore, no child likes eating activity because it is considered boring," said a doctor who is usually called Ari.
A survey showed that most children are picky eaters only eat mashed foods they like porridge (27.3 percent) and have kesulitah chewing and swallowing (24.1 percent). However, children picky eaters at age 2-3 years, in general, just like a certain food types.
Although the general experience of children under five, Dr. Ari confirmed that difficulty eating is not just a stage of growth. "There are many factors that affect why kids so it's hard to eat, for example because the child had a disease that does not have appetite to eat or because of psychological factors," said a doctor from the Division of Child Nutrition and Metabolic FKUI / RSCM Jakarta.
In seeking the causes of child feeding difficulties, according to Dr. Ari, there are some things parents need to be evaluated, for example, whether the number and amount of food that was given in accordance with the needs of children. "The size of the stomach of each child's different backgrounds, we should not force children to spend an excessive portion," he said in the event parenting workshops on nutrition for children hosted by Abbott Nutrition in Jakarta some time ago.
Parents also need to explore the character of children. For example, if the child including a difficult temperament or whether the parents have created a suitable environment. In addition, parents should also be sensitized on child hunger and satiety. "If just one hour to drink milk, it was clear he was still satisfied when told to eat," he explained.
When children do not eat well, they probably will not get the portion of the nutrients it needs so that it can have an impact on growth. Even so, parents should not give the wrong treatment to the child. "Forcing children to eat will only make things worse," added Dr Tjin Wiguna, Sp.KJ (K), a child psychiatrist.
He explained that, if parents want to develop eating properly, parents should first set an example for his son. "How can kids like vegetables if their parents never ate vegetables or bad comment on vegetables," he said.
Parents are also expected to create a comfortable environment, not in a hurry, and without pressure. "Children are also entitled to make choices like eating anything. Throughout healthy, meet only the demand for children," said Dr. Tjin.
Such as milk supplementation in children difficult to eat, according to Dr. Ari, okay if the child has a growth disorder, such as less weight. "Keep in mind that the supplement is not a substitute for daily meals. Children still need to be taught good eating habits," he said.
To find out the nutritional adequacy diasup children, parents can see from the chart the growth of the child's weight. "If within three months of weight infants do not go up, then indeed he is short of nutrients," he said.
HIV Transmission from Mother to Infants always increase
HIV transmission from mother to infant tends to increase steadily over the increasing number of women with HIV in Indonesia. Although the prevalence data of HIV transmission from mother to baby is still limited, but the trend of transmission will continue to rise because the number of HIV positive pregnant women tend to increase.
Thus disclosed Deputy Assistant Regional Development of the National AIDS Commission Good Rahmat Prabowo in discussion "The Importance of Providing Access to HIV / AIDS Prevention of Mother to Child (Prevention-Mother-To-Child-Transmission/PMTCT-)" which was held in Bandung Frisian Flag Indonesia , on Wednesday (01/12/2010).
Good explains, from about 4.5 million pregnancies in Indonesia every year, an estimated 25 percent raises risk of HIV transmission from mother to baby. Estmasi This can be seen from the HIV screening data obtained from PMTCT services.
"Data in 2008 showed that the number of pregnant women who test for HIV as many as 5167 people, of which 1306 (25%) of them HIV positive," he said.
Good adds, until 2008, has been available PMTCT services to 30 services are integrated in the MCH services (antenatal care). PMTCT programs have also been adopted by several institutions of society, especially for outreach and expand access to PMTCT services.
Increased number of HIV positive pregnant women, continued Good, makes the need for PMTCT services will increase. Based on the results of projections and modeling of the HIV epidemic, the number of positive pregnant women who need PMTCT services will increase from 5730 persons in 2010 to 8170 people in 2014.
On the same occasion, Dr. Reni Ghrahani of Allergy Immunology Division Staff Section of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran states, prevention becomes very important because every pregnant women with HIV / AIDS to their babies at risk of transmitting 25 to 45 percent. The risk of transmission when the mother has appeared in a state of pregnancy, during childbirth until later when breastfeeding their babies.
"Poor people's knowledge related to transmission and prevention of HIV / AIDS to make Indonesia as the fastest country in the spread of HIV / AIDS in Asia. The worse the condition of the mother, risk of transmission to infants will increase. The process of delivery by Caesarean section and do not give milk to babies from mothers with HIV / AIDS can reduce the risk of transmission to 35 percent, "he said.
Meanwhile, Corporate Communications Manager Frisian Flag Indonesia (FFI) Anton Susanto, confirms it is committed to improving nutrition and public health, especially children.
For this reason, the FFI has commenced involvement in the partnership program to provide access to HIV prevention from mother to child (PMTCT) in Bandung since March 2009. FFI has teamed up with the KPA, Bandung, West Java Commission for Health (KUJBS) and several nongovernmental organizations to help the PMTCT program through the provision of counseling and monitoring support to mothers with HIV / AIDS.
"We are aware that in several countries has shown that preventive action through PMTCT programs can reduce the risk of transmission rates significantly," he said.
For his support of the PMTCT program in Bandung since two years ago, FFI receives award from Bandung City Government. Award presented by Mayor Dada Rosada coincide with World AIDS Day.
Thus disclosed Deputy Assistant Regional Development of the National AIDS Commission Good Rahmat Prabowo in discussion "The Importance of Providing Access to HIV / AIDS Prevention of Mother to Child (Prevention-Mother-To-Child-Transmission/PMTCT-)" which was held in Bandung Frisian Flag Indonesia , on Wednesday (01/12/2010).
Good explains, from about 4.5 million pregnancies in Indonesia every year, an estimated 25 percent raises risk of HIV transmission from mother to baby. Estmasi This can be seen from the HIV screening data obtained from PMTCT services.
"Data in 2008 showed that the number of pregnant women who test for HIV as many as 5167 people, of which 1306 (25%) of them HIV positive," he said.
Good adds, until 2008, has been available PMTCT services to 30 services are integrated in the MCH services (antenatal care). PMTCT programs have also been adopted by several institutions of society, especially for outreach and expand access to PMTCT services.
Increased number of HIV positive pregnant women, continued Good, makes the need for PMTCT services will increase. Based on the results of projections and modeling of the HIV epidemic, the number of positive pregnant women who need PMTCT services will increase from 5730 persons in 2010 to 8170 people in 2014.
On the same occasion, Dr. Reni Ghrahani of Allergy Immunology Division Staff Section of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran states, prevention becomes very important because every pregnant women with HIV / AIDS to their babies at risk of transmitting 25 to 45 percent. The risk of transmission when the mother has appeared in a state of pregnancy, during childbirth until later when breastfeeding their babies.
"Poor people's knowledge related to transmission and prevention of HIV / AIDS to make Indonesia as the fastest country in the spread of HIV / AIDS in Asia. The worse the condition of the mother, risk of transmission to infants will increase. The process of delivery by Caesarean section and do not give milk to babies from mothers with HIV / AIDS can reduce the risk of transmission to 35 percent, "he said.
Meanwhile, Corporate Communications Manager Frisian Flag Indonesia (FFI) Anton Susanto, confirms it is committed to improving nutrition and public health, especially children.
For this reason, the FFI has commenced involvement in the partnership program to provide access to HIV prevention from mother to child (PMTCT) in Bandung since March 2009. FFI has teamed up with the KPA, Bandung, West Java Commission for Health (KUJBS) and several nongovernmental organizations to help the PMTCT program through the provision of counseling and monitoring support to mothers with HIV / AIDS.
"We are aware that in several countries has shown that preventive action through PMTCT programs can reduce the risk of transmission rates significantly," he said.
For his support of the PMTCT program in Bandung since two years ago, FFI receives award from Bandung City Government. Award presented by Mayor Dada Rosada coincide with World AIDS Day.
Know the Risk of Prostate Cancer Through Finger
There is no simple formula to determine who will have problems in the prostate. Therefore, many doctors recommend that men over the age of 40 years of a medical examination the prostate.
Another way to determine the risk of prostate cancer, at least according to research published in Brisith Journal of Cancer, is to look at differences in finger length. It is said that men who have a longer index finger than ring finger, lower risk for prostate cancer.
Finger length is already formed before the baby is born and is influenced by sex hormones in the womb. The fetus is exposed to the hormone testosterone more less will have size index finger is longer and were protected against prostate cancer later in life.
"The results of this research may someday be used as a screening tool to be combined with other risk factors, such as genetic testing and history in the family," says Professor Ros Eeles, researchers from the University of Warwick and the Institute of Cancer Research, UK.
The study adds evidence of previous studies that mention the link between the influence of hormone balance in the fetus with the disease who may suffer in the future. It is not impossible if the will of the pregnant women can do in ways of prevention of cancer risk in prospective baby.
Even so, the men who have a shorter index finger does not need to worry because prostate cancer is more influenced by the age factor. The older the age of a man, the higher the risk of having prostate problems.
Another way to determine the risk of prostate cancer, at least according to research published in Brisith Journal of Cancer, is to look at differences in finger length. It is said that men who have a longer index finger than ring finger, lower risk for prostate cancer.
Finger length is already formed before the baby is born and is influenced by sex hormones in the womb. The fetus is exposed to the hormone testosterone more less will have size index finger is longer and were protected against prostate cancer later in life.
"The results of this research may someday be used as a screening tool to be combined with other risk factors, such as genetic testing and history in the family," says Professor Ros Eeles, researchers from the University of Warwick and the Institute of Cancer Research, UK.
The study adds evidence of previous studies that mention the link between the influence of hormone balance in the fetus with the disease who may suffer in the future. It is not impossible if the will of the pregnant women can do in ways of prevention of cancer risk in prospective baby.
Even so, the men who have a shorter index finger does not need to worry because prostate cancer is more influenced by the age factor. The older the age of a man, the higher the risk of having prostate problems.
When to Keep Slimming Drugs?
Obesity and all its complications can reduce the quality of life, ranging from limitations of motion, decrease in self-confidence, until the risk of various diseases.
Obesity is a state of excessive accumulation of body fat so that weight well above normal and could endanger health. Body mass index or body mass index (BMI) has been recognized as a method in determining the level of overweight and obesity.
BMI is obtained by dividing weight (kilograms) by square of height (meters). Someone said to overweight if his BMI values over 25 and is obese if his BMI over 30.
The problem of obesity is classified as chronic and difficult to control. "Obesity is a disease with a genetic factor and a major health problem. The increase in body weight after the drug was stopped, also show obesity is a chronic disease, like hypertension," said dr. John Chandrawinata, MND, Sp.GK.
That is why, the management of obesity are also long term. However, during this penananganan identical to the reduction of obesity which is considered torture eat so often fail.
"The condition of obesity is the result of long-term. Therefore, it is also handling the long term," he said at an event about the security of anti-obesity medication that Clinic Nutrition Medical Association held in Jakarta (1 / 12).
Ideally, obesity therapy is done by setting a healthy diet, behavior modification, and exercise to increase energy expenditure.
Assisted drug
Sometimes the patient also needs the help of medical drugs that have proven its safety. The use of obesity drugs for people who already have a certain criteria, such as BMI values over 30 and adapted to the patient's disease history.
However, according dr.Johanes enough patients IMT was not yet 30 but already have prescription weight loss medication. "There are people who are not included obesity, but already experienced in abdominal fat deposition. It is also dangerous," he said.
Weight loss drug circulating in Indonesia are of two types, namely a central work by suppressing appetite and increasing satiety and drugs that work in the gut by inhibiting the absorption of nutrients.
In determining the type of drug to be used, the doctor will see indications and kontraindikasinya. "Drugs actual weight loss, including prescription drugs. Therefore, it can not be careless consumption," said dr.Johanes.
Also of note are patients with drug side effects. Obesity drug that works at the nerve center such as class subutramine now withdrawn permission orbit since proven to cause interference with the heart.
Obesity is a state of excessive accumulation of body fat so that weight well above normal and could endanger health. Body mass index or body mass index (BMI) has been recognized as a method in determining the level of overweight and obesity.
BMI is obtained by dividing weight (kilograms) by square of height (meters). Someone said to overweight if his BMI values over 25 and is obese if his BMI over 30.
The problem of obesity is classified as chronic and difficult to control. "Obesity is a disease with a genetic factor and a major health problem. The increase in body weight after the drug was stopped, also show obesity is a chronic disease, like hypertension," said dr. John Chandrawinata, MND, Sp.GK.
That is why, the management of obesity are also long term. However, during this penananganan identical to the reduction of obesity which is considered torture eat so often fail.
"The condition of obesity is the result of long-term. Therefore, it is also handling the long term," he said at an event about the security of anti-obesity medication that Clinic Nutrition Medical Association held in Jakarta (1 / 12).
Ideally, obesity therapy is done by setting a healthy diet, behavior modification, and exercise to increase energy expenditure.
Assisted drug
Sometimes the patient also needs the help of medical drugs that have proven its safety. The use of obesity drugs for people who already have a certain criteria, such as BMI values over 30 and adapted to the patient's disease history.
However, according dr.Johanes enough patients IMT was not yet 30 but already have prescription weight loss medication. "There are people who are not included obesity, but already experienced in abdominal fat deposition. It is also dangerous," he said.
Weight loss drug circulating in Indonesia are of two types, namely a central work by suppressing appetite and increasing satiety and drugs that work in the gut by inhibiting the absorption of nutrients.
In determining the type of drug to be used, the doctor will see indications and kontraindikasinya. "Drugs actual weight loss, including prescription drugs. Therefore, it can not be careless consumption," said dr.Johanes.
Also of note are patients with drug side effects. Obesity drug that works at the nerve center such as class subutramine now withdrawn permission orbit since proven to cause interference with the heart.
Slimming drug alert
Obesity is a scourge, not only for women but also men. Apart from the obvious appearance, in terms of health has been proven that obesity is detrimental to health. That's why many people do various efforts to reduce excess weight.
In addition to prescription drugs that have been proven medically, commercially available various supplement products, herbal medicine and traditional medicine to reduce excess weight. Although there is no scientific evidence, these products claim to be able to shed fat fast. The extent to which security products?
"Slimming supplements, such as type of fat burner, usually contain caffeine high. In high doses, these supplements can disrupt heart rhythms and cause hypertension," said dr.Johanes Chandrawinata, Sp.GK, from the Association of Physician Nutrition Specialist Clinic Indonesia.
John looking, most outstanding slimming supplement product sold under price expensive but not really effective weight loss. "If it's effective, why are not sold as a prescription drug whose price is definitely more expensive?," He asked.
He urged the public to be careful in choosing slimming products. "Avoid taking drugs, herbs or supplements that have diuretic side effects or increase urination and defecation. The product type that is rapidly losing weight, but drained of body fluids and blood flow to vital organs is interrupted," said a doctor from RS.Boromeus Bandung this.
If used in the long term, these drugs can cause heart and kidney disorders.
Weight loss drug circulating in Indonesia and already approved the current POM is a class of Diethylpropion and Orlistat. Both are clinically proven safe for long-term use.
Previously circulated also anti-obesity drug sibutramine group but since October 2010, POM suspended the marketing authorization of this drug after several international scientific journals publish research results about the side effects of these drugs that can cause strokes and heart problems.
In addition to prescription drugs that have been proven medically, commercially available various supplement products, herbal medicine and traditional medicine to reduce excess weight. Although there is no scientific evidence, these products claim to be able to shed fat fast. The extent to which security products?
"Slimming supplements, such as type of fat burner, usually contain caffeine high. In high doses, these supplements can disrupt heart rhythms and cause hypertension," said dr.Johanes Chandrawinata, Sp.GK, from the Association of Physician Nutrition Specialist Clinic Indonesia.
John looking, most outstanding slimming supplement product sold under price expensive but not really effective weight loss. "If it's effective, why are not sold as a prescription drug whose price is definitely more expensive?," He asked.
He urged the public to be careful in choosing slimming products. "Avoid taking drugs, herbs or supplements that have diuretic side effects or increase urination and defecation. The product type that is rapidly losing weight, but drained of body fluids and blood flow to vital organs is interrupted," said a doctor from RS.Boromeus Bandung this.
If used in the long term, these drugs can cause heart and kidney disorders.
Weight loss drug circulating in Indonesia and already approved the current POM is a class of Diethylpropion and Orlistat. Both are clinically proven safe for long-term use.
Previously circulated also anti-obesity drug sibutramine group but since October 2010, POM suspended the marketing authorization of this drug after several international scientific journals publish research results about the side effects of these drugs that can cause strokes and heart problems.
Age and Sex Male Ability Decrease
When you are twenty years of age, you probably never thought about the difficulty to get an erection. But when your age has crept past the number 40, desire and sexual ability you may not be as good as before.
Physical changes and decline in social ability has been mostly due to decreased levels of the hormone testosterone gradually. The decrease of hormones that also affect the energy, strength, muscle and fat mass, bone density and sexual function.
What are the sexual problems faced by middle-aged men?
- In the mid-50s, a man needs physical stimulation and psychological longer to be ready and able to have sex. Even so, in fact strongly influenced men's sexual desire of health and habits than her age. A healthy and fit man normally will remain ready and excited to old age.
- Along with age, a man may take longer to get an erection and maintain it.
- At age 20, your erection occurs in real-time and hard as wood. But now your penis is sometimes weak and limp. The changes were normal. All you need to do to prevent it is to maintain fitness with exercise to keep blood flow smoothly, including to the penis area.
- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Many of us know that the best way to avoid STDs is to remain faithful to one partner. But if you secretly have multiple partners and not using a condom, maybe you will suffer from diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse. Some common diseases, genital herpes, syphilis, chlamydia, hepatitis, or HIV.
Physical changes and decline in social ability has been mostly due to decreased levels of the hormone testosterone gradually. The decrease of hormones that also affect the energy, strength, muscle and fat mass, bone density and sexual function.
What are the sexual problems faced by middle-aged men?
- In the mid-50s, a man needs physical stimulation and psychological longer to be ready and able to have sex. Even so, in fact strongly influenced men's sexual desire of health and habits than her age. A healthy and fit man normally will remain ready and excited to old age.
- Along with age, a man may take longer to get an erection and maintain it.
- At age 20, your erection occurs in real-time and hard as wood. But now your penis is sometimes weak and limp. The changes were normal. All you need to do to prevent it is to maintain fitness with exercise to keep blood flow smoothly, including to the penis area.
- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Many of us know that the best way to avoid STDs is to remain faithful to one partner. But if you secretly have multiple partners and not using a condom, maybe you will suffer from diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse. Some common diseases, genital herpes, syphilis, chlamydia, hepatitis, or HIV.
Cold Laser Therapy – Relief for Stressed people
As per latest America survey, there are three out of four people are stressed to the max. There are lots of dangerous health problems like depression and heart disease are occurred due to stress.
Now I want to share with you all about turning to a painless therapy to help them.
Acupuncture without the needles means cold laser therapy focuses low-level light on certain pressure points. Laser techs strategically aim a laser light wand on certain parts of the body.
Unlike high-power medical lasers, which are used to cut and burn tissue, cold lasers penetrate with little or no heat, no pain, and no potential tissue damage.
Energy, directed into the skin, simulates the body's cells. Cold lasers have been used for years to combat pain. They have also been employed to help people quit smoking and lose weight.
Some companies are paying to provide cold laser therapy for employees, during these stressful economic times.
9 Potions Overcome Hepatitis

Of the many factors, the virus that was ranked first as the cause of most disease hepatitis. Others may be caused by bacteria, parasites, drugs, chemicals that damage the liver, alcohol, worms, or too poor nutrition.
By DR. Dr. Julitasari Sundoro, based on the course of the disease, hepatitis can be divided into acute and chronic. Called chronic hepatitis is still there after six months. There are five types of viral hepatitis, namely hepatitis A (VHA), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV or non-A non-B parenteral), viral hepatitis D (VHD), and viral hepatitis E ( vhe or non-A non-B enteric). In addition to some virus, now there's even a virus that causes hepatitis AE F and G.
Prof. H. Ali Suleiman, Professor of Medicine Faculty of medicine, says that people with hepatitis who have been in the prodormal phase (before the body becomes yellow), usually experience symptoms of weakness, tired, lethargic, no appetite, nausea, vomiting, feeling uncomfortable and pain in the abdomen, fever and sometimes chills, headache, pain in the joints, stiffness in the whole body, especially hips and shoulders, and diarrhea. Sometimes people like to colds and cough with or without sore throat.
When you have reached the phase of yellow (jaundice), the patient will see a yellow urine is concentrated, such as tea. In addition, the whites of the eye ball, the mucous membrane of the palate, and skin turned yellowish. And when there are barriers to the flow of bile into the intestine, feces will pale as putty (stool acholis).
However, not all hepatitis have symptoms, as already mentioned. There are people with hepatitis with no symptoms at all or maybe only with mild symptoms, and there are really serious in a short time later terminated death.
If so, we must be careful. Besides always used to lead a healthy lifestyle, do regular checks to the doctor. If it was known to suffer from liver disease, usually the doctor will give medicine.
Treatment by doctors, according to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, generally symptomatic, ie, to relieve symptoms of diseases that arise other than as a therapy that helps the continuity of liver function.
The drugs are generally hepatoprotector (protects liver cells against the effects of toxic substances that can damage the repair and regeneration), lipotropik (increasing mobility of fat in the liver), Kholeretik (increasing the production of bile by the liver), and kholagogum (improves gallbladder emptying and running it into the duodenum).
Medicinal plant materials to assist in the improvement of liver function is usually hepatoprotective. Materials that include curcumin can be obtained from ginger and turmeric, filantin from meniran, silymarin from widuran, aukubin of leaf spoon, glycyrrhisic acid from the saga, essential oils of garlic, krisofanol of rhubarb, gingerol from ginger, wedelolakton of urang -aring, andrographolide from bitter, and sianidol of tannic substances.
Some Examples Potion
Many medicinal herbs recipes, one from Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, useful for improving liver function. Some of them are presented because the materials are easily obtainable. However, patients should still consult your doctor when using these recipes:
Remedy 1
- One finger sticks brotowali
- Three glasses of water
- One tablespoon honey
How to Make
Wash brotowali stem and cut into pieces as needed. Boil three cups of water until the remaining one cup. Once cool, strain and add a spoonful of honey. Drink twice a day, each half a glass.
Potion 2
- 9-15 grams of dried stem bugenfil
- Three glasses of water
- One tablespoon honey
How to Make
After cleaning, cut the stems thinly bugenfil. Enter your email in a pan while plus three glasses of water. Boil until the water remains one glasses. Once cool, strain. Drink filtered water after the added honey. Water filter is taken twice a day, morning and afternoon, each half a glass.
Potion 3
- A handful of fresh leaves of bitter melon
- One cup of boiled water
- Salt to taste
How to Make
Wash bitter melon leaves and rinse with boiled water. Beat until smooth leaves with a plus one cup water. Stir until evenly distributed and add a little salt. Strain the herbs and drink in the morning before eating.
Note: This recipe should not be used when being pregnant because it can cause miscarriage.
Remedy 4
- Two ripe tomatoes
- Sugar to taste
How to Make
After being washed, cut-cut tomatoes to be juice. However, if they do not have the tool, the fruit can be boiled with water to taste. After boiling, pulverized or milled, then squeezed. Add the juice of sugar a little bit and then taken twice a day.
Potion 5
- Three or a handful of ripe noni fruit noni skin
- A piece of banana leaf
- A piece of cloth
- Vinegar to taste
The way I
Noni fruit are washed and rinsed with boiled water. Grate and peraslah with a piece of cloth. Juice drink.
How II
For external use, noni skin finely ground and then mixed with a little vinegar. Wrap the mixture with banana leaf. Heat briefly over a fire or steamed. In the circumstances, warm, attach the packing in the upper right abdomen, where the liver is swollen and sore.
Remedy 6
- One tablespoon papaya seeds
- Three fingers mengkal papaya fruit
- Honey to taste
How to Make
Papaya seeds and blend until smooth or mashed seeds while the fruit is grated. The dough will serve as an added honey to taste, then drink.
Note: Pregnant women are forbidden to drink this concoction because it can cause miscarriage.
Potion 7
- Fresh carrot taste
How to Make
Carrots cleaned and washed with boiled water. Trim as needed and make into juice. Can also be shredded carrots and the results are squeezed, and then filtered to collect up to one glass. Carrot juice can be drunk directly.
Note: Most eating carrots can cause skin color to yellow. When that happens, stop drinking potions for a while. Skin color will return to normal.
Remedy 8
- Two fingers of fresh ginger rhizome
- Honey to taste
How to Make
Peeled ginger rhizome, and then washed clean. Rinse with water boiled and then shredded. Add half a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of honey. Stir evenly then squeeze and strain. Drink filtered water a day two times a day.
Potion 9
- One finger turmeric
- One tablespoon honey
How to Make
Turmeric rhizome is washed and shredded. Add a little water on the grater. Grater then filtered and add honey. Drink three times a day.
Want to Know Savor Ants Nest?

According Suhirman, one of the agents, ant nests have a chemical compound that can help healing quickly. "Ant nests were actually parasite, because in it there is a kind of labyrinth so live ants. In it there is substance flavonoids and Tanin. Flavonoids are useful for cancer prevention, if good tannins for curing diseases," he said when met Kompas.com Suhirman at Flower Festival 2010 Flower Market Raewa Belong, West Jakarta, on Thursday (04/11/2010).
The disease can be cured by ant nests, among others, various types of cancer and tumors, coronary heart disease, ambient, tuberculosis, lupus, stroke, and increase male stamina. According Suhirman, the healing process through an ant nest is relatively quick, about 7 days.
"If hemorrhoids, cancer stage 1 or 2 so most take 3-5 days in a row has begun to heal. But if the heart is leaking or has stage 4 cancer that took much longer. Can a week or week and a half," he said.
To consume, this ant nest must be boiled first. Water the stew and then drunk. Within a day, ant nest must be taken 2 times, morning and afternoon. "If that is so hard-boiled 2 tablespoons powdered ant nest mixed 3 cups of water. If that is still intact, boil a handful of ant nests are also mixed with 3 cups water. Ngak cold or hot drink anything," explained Suhirman.
Ant nests can be found in two types, and dry powder. "If that had been shredded bu uk, if the dry roasted. But both are equally potent, is not no different," explained Suhirman.
The price of plastic the size of ant powder 0.25 kg to Rp 150,000. Meanwhile, a roasted ant nest worth about Rp 200,000 per pack.
Although relatively expensive, Suhirman say that these ant nests can be boiled up to many times. "It can be boiled up to 10 times as possible. Just as long as the result of concentrated decoction is still colored semutnya nests can be boiled again. But then after boiling the water is somewhat clear meaning can not be boiled again, should be replaced new ants nest," explained Suhirman.
Urine Test for Early Detection Renal Failure

In research published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, the scientists said they had found a marker (marker) in urine that indicate specific diseases Acute renal failure. With the urine test is expected disease can be detected early, can even be prevented.
Research shows that urine samples from mice and humans who suffer from acute renal failure have elevated levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and mRNA (prints for synthetic proteins). In other words, genes that encode MCP-1 and mRNA will be active if the patient suffered from acute renal failure.
Using the new method, scientists can also indicate changes in the protein (known as hitones) that activates genes that produce MCP-1.
Previously, blood and urine tests conducted to determine the presence of abnormal levels of waste products normally removed from the blood. The existence of excessive protein in urine is a common sign of damage to the kidney nephrons.
Why Baby Dont Stop Cry

Not a few parents who are overwhelmed by the baby's constant crying. They difficulty soothing the baby to get back to sleep soundly. In order for the baby calmed down and did not cry again, parents should meet their basic needs, namely:
1. Is your baby hungry or thirsty? Try to remember the last time when he was fed breast milk or eat solid foods (complementary foods). After breast-fed or given solid foods, generally infants who hunger or thirst for calm.
2. Does your baby swelter or cold? Make sure the baby clothes that are suitable for the weather at that time. Feel free to telon oil rubbed on during cold weather, air-conditioning was turned on when the air temperature was hot.
3. Check your baby's diaper, may be replaced by full-time so that makes him uncomfortable.
4. Is your baby tired? Try to comfort her and make the atmosphere of calm so that he can sleep.
5. Does your baby feel scared / frightened? Try to hug and make eye contact so that it comfortably. Avoid excessive teasing or let it linger picked up a stranger.
6. Does your baby have symptoms of colic, or hiccups? Try to position the baby on your shoulder and gently rub or pat his back to burp.
7. Does your baby is teething? Usually the appearance of teeth accompanied by fever and makes him uncomfortable. Measure the temperature and provide heat-lowering drugs if needed.
8. Does your baby feel bored? Try to do the game "-a-boo", a walk to find a new atmosphere, reading stories, and others.
Weight Loss Tips – Lose Weight Safe Quick Manner with Acupressure
As per Today’s Lifestyle, Culture and Competitive Environment, to be thin and healthy is become very important factor.
But As I and we all know that, losing excess weight is easier said than done.
Here want to talk with you about ancient technique has proven very effective in helping people shed extra pounds named “Weight Loss Acupressure”.
The “Weight Loss Acupressure Points” system consists of four videos and one subliminal video.
It 100 percent natural method , safe to use and can be taken with you anywhere of weight loss that doesn’t involve pills, needles or any other apparatus which will show you exactly how to find and stimulate the pressure points on your body to lose weight without even trying.
It works as a complementary technique to help you stick with your weight loss diet for better results and it’s compatible with any diet plan.
You’ll discover the combination of five acupressure points to reduce your appetite, end food cravings and have the feeling of a full stomach.
The acupressure points will also stimulate the release of stress releasing hormones that will help increase your will power.
There are acupressure points that will help you reduce impulsive and addictive behaviors that lead to overeating. The subliminal weight loss video will help you increase your self-esteem and you’ll begin to desire healthier foods.
But As I and we all know that, losing excess weight is easier said than done.
Here want to talk with you about ancient technique has proven very effective in helping people shed extra pounds named “Weight Loss Acupressure”.
The “Weight Loss Acupressure Points” system consists of four videos and one subliminal video.
It 100 percent natural method , safe to use and can be taken with you anywhere of weight loss that doesn’t involve pills, needles or any other apparatus which will show you exactly how to find and stimulate the pressure points on your body to lose weight without even trying.
It works as a complementary technique to help you stick with your weight loss diet for better results and it’s compatible with any diet plan.
You’ll discover the combination of five acupressure points to reduce your appetite, end food cravings and have the feeling of a full stomach.
The acupressure points will also stimulate the release of stress releasing hormones that will help increase your will power.
There are acupressure points that will help you reduce impulsive and addictive behaviors that lead to overeating. The subliminal weight loss video will help you increase your self-esteem and you’ll begin to desire healthier foods.
Aspirin Prevents Colon Cancer Risk

Earlier low-dose aspirin is also recommended for patients who have a high risk of heart attack and stroke. In the prevention of colon cancer or colon cancer, aspirin in high doses are effective but have side effects bleeding.
Therefore, experts tried to examine whether if the dose is lowered, the effect remains the same protection. In this study the researchers followed up four research conducted in England and Sweden between the years 1980-1990 on the effects of aspirin in cardiovascular patients.
In general, the research for six years, participants were asked to take aspirin in doses of 1200 mg or placebo pills. More than 14,000 patients who attended medical history for 18 years, 391 colorectal cancers.
Those who took aspirin, the risk of cancer was reduced by 24 percent and mortality risk can be reduced to 35 percent. The results of this research is consistent in the four studies. Unfortunately there are no data on side effects in long-term aspirin use because since the beginning of this study was designed to examine cardiovascular disease.
"The results of this study indicate the use of low-dose aspirin in the long term in combination with screening can reduce the incidence of cancer throughout the colon and rectum," says Peter Rothwell, of Oxford University.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer occur in men and women. The risk of this cancer seems more frequent in those with diets high in fat and low in vegetables and fresh fruit. Colorectal cancer risk was also higher in smokers, drinkers and those with less exercise.
How to Treat Muscle Strains – Tips for Prevention
Our Daily Activities like run, jump, dance, and play sports for all we need strong Muscles but overusing them can cause painful injuries.
There are 3 different levels of muscle strains and they are graded as mild (first degree), moderate (second degree), or severe (third degree).
Strains or Pulled muscles affect our body badly like sudden pain, muscle weakness, spasms, and swelling. When muscle fibers become damaged, tear, or are too stretched out, strains happen.
Any activity that puts a lot of strain on inner thigh muscles, Groin muscle strains can occur during it. Injured person cannot walk until the muscle is repaired.
Neck muscle strains occur when neck muscles snap or stretch too far, cause may be an accident that causes whiplash. Or it may be as simple as sleeping with your head in a twisted position.
3rd degree strain is very severe as the name suggests and is normally a complete rupture or tearing of the muscle.
Normally with a 3rd degree strain you will actually see deformities under the skin were the muscle has actually rolled up because it is no longer attached to the tendon holding it taught.
There are 3 different levels of muscle strains and they are graded as mild (first degree), moderate (second degree), or severe (third degree).
Strains or Pulled muscles affect our body badly like sudden pain, muscle weakness, spasms, and swelling. When muscle fibers become damaged, tear, or are too stretched out, strains happen.
Any activity that puts a lot of strain on inner thigh muscles, Groin muscle strains can occur during it. Injured person cannot walk until the muscle is repaired.
Neck muscle strains occur when neck muscles snap or stretch too far, cause may be an accident that causes whiplash. Or it may be as simple as sleeping with your head in a twisted position.
3rd degree strain is very severe as the name suggests and is normally a complete rupture or tearing of the muscle.
Normally with a 3rd degree strain you will actually see deformities under the skin were the muscle has actually rolled up because it is no longer attached to the tendon holding it taught.
Hair Care – Specific Vitamins Nutrients for Healthy Black Hair
For Both men and women, Hair Loss is one of the condition that can result in undesirable changes to the body in terms of aesthetics since hair is widely known to be an ingredient for beauty.
(1) Due to Bad hygiene, smoking, poor shampoo, or even deficiencies in certain vitamins and nutrients hair loss start soon.
(2) Some more supplements to aid in healthy Natural Hair Growth include Vitamin B complex, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, and some Flaxseed oil.
(3) Beta Carotene is important for healthy hair growth because it helps the body make vitamin A, which produces strong hair, nails, and bone development.
(4) Going outside with wet hair in winter can lead to the hair freezing and possibly breaking. So please to make sure your hair is dry and protected before you leave the house.
(5) Extreme temperature can lead to hair damage, so icy cold weather and central heating in winter is a troublesome combination for hair care, robbing moisture and increasing static.
(6) Avoid using styling wands and hair dryers. These styling tools also remove that essential moisture and cause significant damage.
(7) If you are swimmer then here something most important for you.
Put in a leave-in conditioner to the hair.
This provides a protective barrier against chlorine.
Wearing a swimming cap also provides a protective layer. -Use a swim safe shampoo first, followed by a moisturizing shampoo for the second wash.
Be sure to rinse your hair really well to remove the chlorine residue.
(1) Due to Bad hygiene, smoking, poor shampoo, or even deficiencies in certain vitamins and nutrients hair loss start soon.
(2) Some more supplements to aid in healthy Natural Hair Growth include Vitamin B complex, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, and some Flaxseed oil.
(3) Beta Carotene is important for healthy hair growth because it helps the body make vitamin A, which produces strong hair, nails, and bone development.
(4) Going outside with wet hair in winter can lead to the hair freezing and possibly breaking. So please to make sure your hair is dry and protected before you leave the house.
(5) Extreme temperature can lead to hair damage, so icy cold weather and central heating in winter is a troublesome combination for hair care, robbing moisture and increasing static.
(6) Avoid using styling wands and hair dryers. These styling tools also remove that essential moisture and cause significant damage.
(7) If you are swimmer then here something most important for you.
Put in a leave-in conditioner to the hair.
This provides a protective barrier against chlorine.
Wearing a swimming cap also provides a protective layer. -Use a swim safe shampoo first, followed by a moisturizing shampoo for the second wash.
Be sure to rinse your hair really well to remove the chlorine residue.
Acai Burns – Know Benefits for your health
In certain conditions, Acai Burns may not suit people as we all know that, it does is a sure shot way of losing weight.
It is considered the best for weight loss with no side effects.
Ingredients like Garcinia cambogia extract, chromium polyniconate, Gymnema sylvestre extract and also green tea which contain caffeine contained by Acai Burn which is made of Acai berries.
May other pills not be able to losing weight naturally but with power-packed combination Acai Burns drastically helps you to gain your overweight.
Acai Burn and Colon Cleansing:-
Acai Burn is cleansing the colon some might experience the problem of diarrhea. Usually such a problem should automatically be solved after a day or two, but if the problem persists the use of It should be stopped.
People having food allergies may also find Acai not suiting them and causing rashes, sweat, intestinal problem etc. Also, children who are more sensitive may equally face certain side effects. Sometimes gastric problem is also experience because of Acai.
Diabetes patients must be extra cautious while using Acai Burns as it may cause some side effects and it is always better to consult a doctor before consuming them.
One of the important aspects of Acai Burn is that it alone cannot help in losing weight; therefore it has to be coupled with a proper diet and exercise. Acai Burns and it amazing properties will help you control your diet and keep you energized despite the exercise!
Acai Burns are simple weight loss pills that anyone can consume for losing weight. However, consult a doctor if suffering from diabetes or any food allergy to avoid any risk of side effects.
Acai Burns are made of Acai berry’s extract mixed with green tea, garcinia cambogia, gymnema sylvestre and chromium polynicotinate. These pills can be taken to see drastic changes in one’s body as it has shown satisfactorily results to many consumers.
It is considered the best for weight loss with no side effects.
Ingredients like Garcinia cambogia extract, chromium polyniconate, Gymnema sylvestre extract and also green tea which contain caffeine contained by Acai Burn which is made of Acai berries.
May other pills not be able to losing weight naturally but with power-packed combination Acai Burns drastically helps you to gain your overweight.
Acai Burn and Colon Cleansing:-
Acai Burn is cleansing the colon some might experience the problem of diarrhea. Usually such a problem should automatically be solved after a day or two, but if the problem persists the use of It should be stopped.
People having food allergies may also find Acai not suiting them and causing rashes, sweat, intestinal problem etc. Also, children who are more sensitive may equally face certain side effects. Sometimes gastric problem is also experience because of Acai.
Diabetes patients must be extra cautious while using Acai Burns as it may cause some side effects and it is always better to consult a doctor before consuming them.
One of the important aspects of Acai Burn is that it alone cannot help in losing weight; therefore it has to be coupled with a proper diet and exercise. Acai Burns and it amazing properties will help you control your diet and keep you energized despite the exercise!
Acai Burns are simple weight loss pills that anyone can consume for losing weight. However, consult a doctor if suffering from diabetes or any food allergy to avoid any risk of side effects.
Acai Burns are made of Acai berry’s extract mixed with green tea, garcinia cambogia, gymnema sylvestre and chromium polynicotinate. These pills can be taken to see drastic changes in one’s body as it has shown satisfactorily results to many consumers.
Acne Treatments – Use Home Remedies Options and Save Money
Acne Treatment includes clinical as well as home remedies.
However, it is advisable for any person to go for acne treatment which is done at home. The best and important treatment for acne is when Aloe Vera is applied on the skin.
Application of Aloe Vera on the skin helps to get away with acne marks.
There is no use of going to the doctor and getting your problems solved by giving lots and lots of money.
But, in fact you can get rid of many of medical problems solved by just doing it at your home. One of the problems is acne treatment.
A good remedy for acne is by mixing of rose water in sandalwood paste and then rubbing and rinsing for 30 minutes.
An effective remedy for acne marks is paste of blended cucumber when applied on the face and left for 30 minutes helps to remove marks on the skin.
Application of vitamin A, B and E and tea tree oil can decrease the acne marks dramatically on your skin.
Relating of grinded nutmeg with unboiled milk and applying it on acne marks for around 1-2 hours can make magic on your skin.
Mixing of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and rubbing on acne marks is also effective. Note should be made that, it is not for sensitive skin.
However, it is advisable for any person to go for acne treatment which is done at home. The best and important treatment for acne is when Aloe Vera is applied on the skin.
Application of Aloe Vera on the skin helps to get away with acne marks.
There is no use of going to the doctor and getting your problems solved by giving lots and lots of money.
But, in fact you can get rid of many of medical problems solved by just doing it at your home. One of the problems is acne treatment.
A good remedy for acne is by mixing of rose water in sandalwood paste and then rubbing and rinsing for 30 minutes.
An effective remedy for acne marks is paste of blended cucumber when applied on the face and left for 30 minutes helps to remove marks on the skin.
Application of vitamin A, B and E and tea tree oil can decrease the acne marks dramatically on your skin.
Relating of grinded nutmeg with unboiled milk and applying it on acne marks for around 1-2 hours can make magic on your skin.
Mixing of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and rubbing on acne marks is also effective. Note should be made that, it is not for sensitive skin.
Insomnia Natural Remedies – Treat it Without Side Effects
For people who suffer from sleep disorders, perhaps only insomnia solution they use are medications.
Usually different kinds of negative effects may be caused due to use of a drug or medical treatment.
But there are many effective natural treatments for insomnia without side effects. One of them is by using non-medicate insomnia remedies.
Insomnia occurs when for some reason the natural sleep patterns are disturbed. This leads to difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep long enough to feel fresh, relaxed and reinvigorated the next days. The person who suffers from insomnia experiences side effects such as tiredness, mental fatigue, inability to concentrate and lack of energy.
Some people have sleep disturbances for short periods and others endure chronic insomnia for months or sometimes years.
There are four stages of sleep each deeper than the other and it's important for a person to reach the deepest sleep phase to avoid suffering from insomnia.
Insomnia Causes
How to treat insomnia depends on the cause of the condition, of which there are many home remedies that don't leave side effects. Insomnia help begins with analyzing the sleeping habits and environment of the person.
Is there noise or disturbance at night that may prevent you from entering into the deep stages of sleep vital to restfulness? Treating insomnia may be as easy as blocking out the night noises.
Sleep Patterns
Diverting from your normal sleep patterns is another reason. Our bodies function on an internal biological clock that also controls waking and sleeping patterns. If you suffer from sleeping disorders then an insomnia tip could be to review return to your normal sleeping hours.
Alcohol can trigger sleeplessness. The immediate effect of alcohol intake is to generate sleepiness. But excess alcohol de-hydrates the body this state of water deficiency keeps your brain partly awake. Recovering alcoholics have noted the difficulty in getting back to normal sleeping patterns even years after quitting. Controlling or cutting out alcohol especially close to bedtime hours is a natural insomnia remedy.
Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are big instigators of sleep disturbances. Emotional and mental stress has the effect of keeping your mind awake and worrying and unable to relax. Relaxation techniques such as Tai Chi, Yoga and deep breathing exercises can provide insomnia relief by helping the mind and body to calm down. Learning to manage difficulties with a positive attitude can contribute towards treatment of insomnia related to emotional tension.
Sleep Apnea
Some people suffer from sleep apnea. It is a medical condition in which the soft tissues of the throat over-relax during sleep causing obstruction to the breathing. Sleep apnea sufferers often complain of insomnia. There are medical techniques for treating sleep apnea which in turn will give the person insomnia relief.
Pregnancy or Menopausal Insomnia
Women may experience pregnancy insomnia or menopausal insomnia, which both are linked to changes in hormone levels. The doctor may prescribe an insomnia remedy of hormone therapy for menopause but it may not be recommended for expectant mothers. But overall there are many options to treat insomnia without side effects.
Other Causes
The link between disease and sleeplessness is common in illnesses such as gastrointestinal conditions, kidney ailments, heart conditions and high blood pressure. Doctors will prescribe remedies for the major disease and the treatment of insomnia, the secondary condition.
Usually different kinds of negative effects may be caused due to use of a drug or medical treatment.
But there are many effective natural treatments for insomnia without side effects. One of them is by using non-medicate insomnia remedies.
Insomnia occurs when for some reason the natural sleep patterns are disturbed. This leads to difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep long enough to feel fresh, relaxed and reinvigorated the next days. The person who suffers from insomnia experiences side effects such as tiredness, mental fatigue, inability to concentrate and lack of energy.
Some people have sleep disturbances for short periods and others endure chronic insomnia for months or sometimes years.
There are four stages of sleep each deeper than the other and it's important for a person to reach the deepest sleep phase to avoid suffering from insomnia.
Insomnia Causes
How to treat insomnia depends on the cause of the condition, of which there are many home remedies that don't leave side effects. Insomnia help begins with analyzing the sleeping habits and environment of the person.
Is there noise or disturbance at night that may prevent you from entering into the deep stages of sleep vital to restfulness? Treating insomnia may be as easy as blocking out the night noises.
Sleep Patterns
Diverting from your normal sleep patterns is another reason. Our bodies function on an internal biological clock that also controls waking and sleeping patterns. If you suffer from sleeping disorders then an insomnia tip could be to review return to your normal sleeping hours.
Alcohol can trigger sleeplessness. The immediate effect of alcohol intake is to generate sleepiness. But excess alcohol de-hydrates the body this state of water deficiency keeps your brain partly awake. Recovering alcoholics have noted the difficulty in getting back to normal sleeping patterns even years after quitting. Controlling or cutting out alcohol especially close to bedtime hours is a natural insomnia remedy.
Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are big instigators of sleep disturbances. Emotional and mental stress has the effect of keeping your mind awake and worrying and unable to relax. Relaxation techniques such as Tai Chi, Yoga and deep breathing exercises can provide insomnia relief by helping the mind and body to calm down. Learning to manage difficulties with a positive attitude can contribute towards treatment of insomnia related to emotional tension.
Sleep Apnea
Some people suffer from sleep apnea. It is a medical condition in which the soft tissues of the throat over-relax during sleep causing obstruction to the breathing. Sleep apnea sufferers often complain of insomnia. There are medical techniques for treating sleep apnea which in turn will give the person insomnia relief.
Pregnancy or Menopausal Insomnia
Women may experience pregnancy insomnia or menopausal insomnia, which both are linked to changes in hormone levels. The doctor may prescribe an insomnia remedy of hormone therapy for menopause but it may not be recommended for expectant mothers. But overall there are many options to treat insomnia without side effects.
Other Causes
The link between disease and sleeplessness is common in illnesses such as gastrointestinal conditions, kidney ailments, heart conditions and high blood pressure. Doctors will prescribe remedies for the major disease and the treatment of insomnia, the secondary condition.
Fiber Health Benefits - Lose Weight Naturally with it
Plenty of fiber in your diet is essential to losing weight and keeping it off. In addition to weight loss fiber has numerous health benefits.
One of the most important benefits is maintaining the health of your digestive tract. Fiber will give help you feel satiated and thus reduce your appetite. It also prevents your blood glucose levels from rising rapidly.
Rapid glucose spikes prompt your pancreas to release large amounts of insulin and these leads to belly fat storage.
Fiber has many benefits. Fiber is good for clearing your digestive tract of toxins and also to keep your bowels moving. Fiber helps prevent colon cancer by keeping an optimal pH in your intestines.
Fiber prolongs stomach emptying time so that sugar is released and absorbed slowly preventing sugar spikes and release of the fat storing hormone insulin.
Fiber lowers total and LDL cholesterol and therefore reduces the risk of heart disease, and fills up your stomach reducing your appetite. Fiber also binds with fatty acids in your intestines to help you lose weight.
As you can see, a lot of fiber in your diet is a great way to lose unwanted weight and improve your overall health!
Some great sources of fiber include:
- Green vegetables and lettuce
- All types of dark green leafy vegetables
- Whole grains
- Corn bran
- Seeds and nuts
- Apples and citrus fruits
- Broccoli
- Many types of beans like black beans, kidney beans, chick peas, and many others
- Lentils
- Figs
There are 2 types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Here are the differences:
Functions of Insoluble Fiber
• move bulk through the intestines
• control and balance the pH (acidity) in the intestines
Benefits of Insoluble Fiber
• promote regular bowel movement and prevent constipation
• moves toxic waste through the colon in less time
• helps prevent colon cancer by keeping an optimal pH in intestines to prevent microbes from producing cancerous substances
• keeps unwanted pounds off
Food Sources of Insoluble Fiber
Vegetables such as green beans and dark green leafy vegetables
Fruit skins and root vegetable skins
Whole-grain products
Wheat oat
Corn bran
Seeds & Nuts
Functions of Soluble Fiber
- forms a gelatinous substance whem mixed with water
- binds with fatty acids
- prolongs stomach emptying time so that sugar is released and absorbed more slowly which means that your body won't get blood sugar spikes!
- binds with toxic substances in the bowel and draws it out of your system.
Benefits of Soluble Fiber
- lowers your total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the Bad cholesterol) therefore reducing the risk of heart disease
- regulates blood sugar
- expands in stomach giving you the feeling of fullness
-clears heavy metals, heavy chemicals, parasites, and other toxic substances out of your body
-keeps unwanted pounds off
Food Sources of Soluble Fiber
Oat/Oat bran/Oat Meal
Dried beans and peas
Flax seed
Fruits such as citrus and apples
Vegetables such as carrots
Psyllium husk powder: (Think metamucil... but there are more natural versions that you can find everywhere)
My personal favorite fiber food:
HEMP Protein. You can purchase this online or at health food stores. 1 serving of Hemp protein contains 14 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein.
One of the most important benefits is maintaining the health of your digestive tract. Fiber will give help you feel satiated and thus reduce your appetite. It also prevents your blood glucose levels from rising rapidly.
Rapid glucose spikes prompt your pancreas to release large amounts of insulin and these leads to belly fat storage.
Fiber has many benefits. Fiber is good for clearing your digestive tract of toxins and also to keep your bowels moving. Fiber helps prevent colon cancer by keeping an optimal pH in your intestines.
Fiber prolongs stomach emptying time so that sugar is released and absorbed slowly preventing sugar spikes and release of the fat storing hormone insulin.
Fiber lowers total and LDL cholesterol and therefore reduces the risk of heart disease, and fills up your stomach reducing your appetite. Fiber also binds with fatty acids in your intestines to help you lose weight.
As you can see, a lot of fiber in your diet is a great way to lose unwanted weight and improve your overall health!
Some great sources of fiber include:
- Green vegetables and lettuce
- All types of dark green leafy vegetables
- Whole grains
- Corn bran
- Seeds and nuts
- Apples and citrus fruits
- Broccoli
- Many types of beans like black beans, kidney beans, chick peas, and many others
- Lentils
- Figs
There are 2 types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Here are the differences:
Functions of Insoluble Fiber
• move bulk through the intestines
• control and balance the pH (acidity) in the intestines
Benefits of Insoluble Fiber
• promote regular bowel movement and prevent constipation
• moves toxic waste through the colon in less time
• helps prevent colon cancer by keeping an optimal pH in intestines to prevent microbes from producing cancerous substances
• keeps unwanted pounds off
Food Sources of Insoluble Fiber
Vegetables such as green beans and dark green leafy vegetables
Fruit skins and root vegetable skins
Whole-grain products
Wheat oat
Corn bran
Seeds & Nuts
Functions of Soluble Fiber
- forms a gelatinous substance whem mixed with water
- binds with fatty acids
- prolongs stomach emptying time so that sugar is released and absorbed more slowly which means that your body won't get blood sugar spikes!
- binds with toxic substances in the bowel and draws it out of your system.
Benefits of Soluble Fiber
- lowers your total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the Bad cholesterol) therefore reducing the risk of heart disease
- regulates blood sugar
- expands in stomach giving you the feeling of fullness
-clears heavy metals, heavy chemicals, parasites, and other toxic substances out of your body
-keeps unwanted pounds off
Food Sources of Soluble Fiber
Oat/Oat bran/Oat Meal
Dried beans and peas
Flax seed
Fruits such as citrus and apples
Vegetables such as carrots
Psyllium husk powder: (Think metamucil... but there are more natural versions that you can find everywhere)
My personal favorite fiber food:
HEMP Protein. You can purchase this online or at health food stores. 1 serving of Hemp protein contains 14 grams of fiber and 10 grams of protein.
6 Pack Abs Tips – Build Muscles for healthy look
Regardless if you're an adolescent attempting to jump in healthy form or perhaps a full-grown lady returning toward a more fitness oriented life-style a firmer along with flatter abs is the final goal for many individuals.
Because of this, this topic is covered in a lot of fitness myths in addition to revolutionary ideas and is very vulnerable to fancy equipment and ideas that claim to give a rock hard 6-pack with weeks, yet achieve entirely zilch.
This information won't claim to give "rock solid abdominal region" in a week, but as an alternative serves to try to change the key views certain individuals gain from watching too many commercials at two in the morning.
1. One Can not Spot-Reduce
This means that that you can not burn unwanted weight just from a single area on your body. Any amount of crunches on the earth will not burn the extra fat on your flabby tummy. Body fat is burned off from all over your body this is caused by a caloric deficit, it is not brought on from activating a specific muscle group.
2. Cardio Is Key
An essential part to obtaining a six-pack is absolutely not building the abs, but in using the extra fat which is jacket them. The way in which to attain that is to get a caloric deficit, which can be achieved through both taking in fewer calories as well as using up extra calories.
A type of cardio exercise which is rather efficient designed for burning body fat and building up your metabolism is HIIT. HIIT is working out in brief bursts of intense cardio exercise followed by a short cooldown.
An example of your workout session would be a 30 second dash, then a thirty second jog, followed via a further sprint, and so forth for 4 to 15 min dependant upon the fitness of person.
3. Abdominal region are created in the kitchen
While it's the least intricate as well as the most challenging aspect concerning obtaining a 6-pack. The key to obtaining a six-pack is to reduce on food as well as lose body fat. Listed below are a number of easily applicable guidelines:
* Stop consuming soda and start to swig only water. It can make a huge change.
* Consume 5-six little meals a day. This supports raise your metabolism in addition to maintains your appetite in restraint.
* Make an effort to uncover your calorie maintenance level after that progressively decrease 100-200 calories for each week until your are shedding roughly 1-2 pounds a week.
4. Sit-ups are a waste of time
crunches are alleged to seek out the abdominal region rather in fact the hip flexors with spinal erectors are doing the work during the exercise. The abdominal region are merely used isometrically as stabilizers. This means that sit-ups are terrible for your back and do not benefit your abdominal region anyhow.
5. Extra Workouts To Do
At this point this would be the appropriate time for me to sell selected new life-changing creation as well as scheme, on the contrary that's not the purpose of this piece. Here are a few ab routines designed for rookies to perform rather then the standard sit-up:
Floorboard Workout - Get in push up stance subsequently put your elbows lying on the ground.
Hold for 30 seconds
Floor Mountain Climbers - Within plank position, shoot one knee into the elbow and tap toe on flooring, after that carry foot back to plank position then do again with the other foot
Hanging leg raises - hang from a bar then draw your knees directly to your chest
6 Essential Elements To 6 Pack Abs. Do not Give Up!
Whilst attaining your goal of a six-pack will not be as painless and simple as commercials may have you think that, it remains quite a sensible objective even for any beginner. What it requires is hard work and determination. Giving up a week after you begin will not allow you to obtain six pack.
Because of this, this topic is covered in a lot of fitness myths in addition to revolutionary ideas and is very vulnerable to fancy equipment and ideas that claim to give a rock hard 6-pack with weeks, yet achieve entirely zilch.
This information won't claim to give "rock solid abdominal region" in a week, but as an alternative serves to try to change the key views certain individuals gain from watching too many commercials at two in the morning.
1. One Can not Spot-Reduce
This means that that you can not burn unwanted weight just from a single area on your body. Any amount of crunches on the earth will not burn the extra fat on your flabby tummy. Body fat is burned off from all over your body this is caused by a caloric deficit, it is not brought on from activating a specific muscle group.
2. Cardio Is Key
An essential part to obtaining a six-pack is absolutely not building the abs, but in using the extra fat which is jacket them. The way in which to attain that is to get a caloric deficit, which can be achieved through both taking in fewer calories as well as using up extra calories.
A type of cardio exercise which is rather efficient designed for burning body fat and building up your metabolism is HIIT. HIIT is working out in brief bursts of intense cardio exercise followed by a short cooldown.
An example of your workout session would be a 30 second dash, then a thirty second jog, followed via a further sprint, and so forth for 4 to 15 min dependant upon the fitness of person.
3. Abdominal region are created in the kitchen
While it's the least intricate as well as the most challenging aspect concerning obtaining a 6-pack. The key to obtaining a six-pack is to reduce on food as well as lose body fat. Listed below are a number of easily applicable guidelines:
* Stop consuming soda and start to swig only water. It can make a huge change.
* Consume 5-six little meals a day. This supports raise your metabolism in addition to maintains your appetite in restraint.
* Make an effort to uncover your calorie maintenance level after that progressively decrease 100-200 calories for each week until your are shedding roughly 1-2 pounds a week.
4. Sit-ups are a waste of time
crunches are alleged to seek out the abdominal region rather in fact the hip flexors with spinal erectors are doing the work during the exercise. The abdominal region are merely used isometrically as stabilizers. This means that sit-ups are terrible for your back and do not benefit your abdominal region anyhow.
5. Extra Workouts To Do
At this point this would be the appropriate time for me to sell selected new life-changing creation as well as scheme, on the contrary that's not the purpose of this piece. Here are a few ab routines designed for rookies to perform rather then the standard sit-up:
Floorboard Workout - Get in push up stance subsequently put your elbows lying on the ground.
Hold for 30 seconds
Floor Mountain Climbers - Within plank position, shoot one knee into the elbow and tap toe on flooring, after that carry foot back to plank position then do again with the other foot
Hanging leg raises - hang from a bar then draw your knees directly to your chest
6 Essential Elements To 6 Pack Abs. Do not Give Up!
Whilst attaining your goal of a six-pack will not be as painless and simple as commercials may have you think that, it remains quite a sensible objective even for any beginner. What it requires is hard work and determination. Giving up a week after you begin will not allow you to obtain six pack.
Hair Replacement Types Reviews for Healthy Hair
Baldness is caused by hormonal imbalance, age and stress; but this does not mean that it is irreversible.
Advancements in technology have resulted to the use and practice of three of hair replacement options: the hair replacement systems, drugs and topical creams, as well as hair transplant surgeries.
Formerly called wigs, the hair replacement systems utilize synthetic or natural hair as instant solutions to common hair problems. These systems are further divided into two: custom and stock.
Custom is made specifically for a customer using the appropriate hair color and head size. Meanwhile, the stock has been mass produced based on the commonest head size and hair color. Considered as the cheapest replacement option, these cost anywhere between $200 and $2000, but generally lasts for only four weeks.
Drugs and topical creams can be orally taken or physically applied and cost $100 - $500 each. Most common brands available are Rogaine and Propecia because these are the only labels that have passed the US Food and Drug Administration's tests.
The rate of efficiency of these drugs depend on the dosage and how the user responds to them. Simply put, if the user stops using them, then hair would stop growing too.
These are popular in the market because they have little to no side effects and hair that grows back is naturally theirs.
This last type of hair replacement involves more money and scars. Hair transplant surgeries work by transplanting hair into the areas of the scalp that lack hair.
It involves an out-patient operation that normally lasts for 2 to 4 hours under anesthesia. The patient remains awake during the process, but couldn't feel the pain of the incisions and the stitching that would follow.
Since this is a permanent procedure, not everyone can go through it. Hair transplants are only recommended to people 25 years old and up, with mild cases of hair loss. Once the hair grows back, it becomes easier to hide the scars from the procedure.
It is recommended that one would look for certified doctors to decrease (or possibly) eliminate the possibility of infection. To make sure of this, visit the clinic and their resources. Look at their before and after pictures, so you can see their work.
All of these hair replacement options have pros and cons. Therefore, it is important to think really hard, before you make your final decision, which would be best suited for your situation.
Advancements in technology have resulted to the use and practice of three of hair replacement options: the hair replacement systems, drugs and topical creams, as well as hair transplant surgeries.
Formerly called wigs, the hair replacement systems utilize synthetic or natural hair as instant solutions to common hair problems. These systems are further divided into two: custom and stock.
Custom is made specifically for a customer using the appropriate hair color and head size. Meanwhile, the stock has been mass produced based on the commonest head size and hair color. Considered as the cheapest replacement option, these cost anywhere between $200 and $2000, but generally lasts for only four weeks.
Drugs and topical creams can be orally taken or physically applied and cost $100 - $500 each. Most common brands available are Rogaine and Propecia because these are the only labels that have passed the US Food and Drug Administration's tests.
The rate of efficiency of these drugs depend on the dosage and how the user responds to them. Simply put, if the user stops using them, then hair would stop growing too.
These are popular in the market because they have little to no side effects and hair that grows back is naturally theirs.
This last type of hair replacement involves more money and scars. Hair transplant surgeries work by transplanting hair into the areas of the scalp that lack hair.
It involves an out-patient operation that normally lasts for 2 to 4 hours under anesthesia. The patient remains awake during the process, but couldn't feel the pain of the incisions and the stitching that would follow.
Since this is a permanent procedure, not everyone can go through it. Hair transplants are only recommended to people 25 years old and up, with mild cases of hair loss. Once the hair grows back, it becomes easier to hide the scars from the procedure.
It is recommended that one would look for certified doctors to decrease (or possibly) eliminate the possibility of infection. To make sure of this, visit the clinic and their resources. Look at their before and after pictures, so you can see their work.
All of these hair replacement options have pros and cons. Therefore, it is important to think really hard, before you make your final decision, which would be best suited for your situation.
How to Stop Snoring – Best Tips Home Remedies
You get up in the morning and your wife tells you that she could not sleep because you kept snoring all night.
Do you know this?
You probably experienced it yourself. But hopefully, there are some easy snoring solutions that help you to keep the family relation intact and solve your snoring problems.
I will just go over some of the easier solutions, but keep in mind that there are many ways to treat your snoring.
1) Get a new pillow
Many people do not believe that it is that easy, but getting a new pillow will often solve the problem. We often buy pillows without thinking about how their shapes and sizes relate to our own body. If you use a pillow that doesn't fit to your own head and neck, chances are that you will end up in a twisted sleeping position.
In such a posture, snoring is inevitable, your physiology won't make it possible to breath silently.
The obvious solution to this is to use a pillow that fits you well and lets you breath in a natural way.
2) Use earplugs
Probably not the best solution, but certainly the one that consumes the least amount of time. Buy earplugs and you (and your wife) won't hear your snoring anymore. However, this probably is not the most pleasing solution and you probably don't want to use earplugs for the rest of your life.
3) Improve your overall sleep quality
You can also take a holistic view and make an effort to improve your overall sleep quality. There are several methods you can use to make your sleep more energizing and thus more efficient.
You will feel great during the day and as your sleep quality goes up, your snoring problem may also disappear. I cannot guarantee you that this will happen, but improving your sleep quality will definitely improve your overall well-being.
Do you know this?
You probably experienced it yourself. But hopefully, there are some easy snoring solutions that help you to keep the family relation intact and solve your snoring problems.
I will just go over some of the easier solutions, but keep in mind that there are many ways to treat your snoring.
1) Get a new pillow
Many people do not believe that it is that easy, but getting a new pillow will often solve the problem. We often buy pillows without thinking about how their shapes and sizes relate to our own body. If you use a pillow that doesn't fit to your own head and neck, chances are that you will end up in a twisted sleeping position.
In such a posture, snoring is inevitable, your physiology won't make it possible to breath silently.
The obvious solution to this is to use a pillow that fits you well and lets you breath in a natural way.
2) Use earplugs
Probably not the best solution, but certainly the one that consumes the least amount of time. Buy earplugs and you (and your wife) won't hear your snoring anymore. However, this probably is not the most pleasing solution and you probably don't want to use earplugs for the rest of your life.
3) Improve your overall sleep quality
You can also take a holistic view and make an effort to improve your overall sleep quality. There are several methods you can use to make your sleep more energizing and thus more efficient.
You will feel great during the day and as your sleep quality goes up, your snoring problem may also disappear. I cannot guarantee you that this will happen, but improving your sleep quality will definitely improve your overall well-being.
Coronary Heart Disease Symptoms Signs
If you're like me, you might be aware that many people suffer from a few symptoms of coronary heart disease but do not notice them. Why is this? Because the real array of symptoms don't come until 70% or more of your artery is blocked.
This is a problem because it means when you notice the symptoms of coronary heart disease you are already in the later stages of the condition.
What causes coronary heart disease (CHD)?
Atherosclerosis (the hardening of the arteries) is the cause of the vein and artery heart blockage which leads to CHD. This occurs when fat, cholesterol and other materials gather on the walls of our arteries and restrict blood flow.
Due to this restriction, oxygenated blood finds it harder to get to the heart and this reduction eventually leads to CHD and its symptoms. A lack of oxygen travelling to the heart due to atherosclerosis is actually called "cardiac ischemia."
The symptoms of CHD aren't always the same and may vary. But there are some common points:
Angina - this is chest pains that come about when you exercise but alleviate when you rest or take a break. Most people feel the pain over their breast bone but it is non-specific so it could be anywhere.
Shortness of breath - this needs no explanation.
Irregular heartbeat - also called "cardiac arrhythmia. This might occur every so often.
Severe sweating - this needs no explanation.
You may also suffer from nausea, fatigue, weakness or breast pain if you are a woman. These are symptoms easily ignored until they come in groups.
If this happens you should definitely get it checked out by your physician.
Ways to defend yourself are exercising, eating less junk food and not smoking.
You could even invest in an omega 3 fish oil supplement which have been proven by scientific research to engender heart health.
You should definitely do these things if you experience any of the symptoms of coronary heart disease.
This is a problem because it means when you notice the symptoms of coronary heart disease you are already in the later stages of the condition.
What causes coronary heart disease (CHD)?
Atherosclerosis (the hardening of the arteries) is the cause of the vein and artery heart blockage which leads to CHD. This occurs when fat, cholesterol and other materials gather on the walls of our arteries and restrict blood flow.
Due to this restriction, oxygenated blood finds it harder to get to the heart and this reduction eventually leads to CHD and its symptoms. A lack of oxygen travelling to the heart due to atherosclerosis is actually called "cardiac ischemia."
The symptoms of CHD aren't always the same and may vary. But there are some common points:
Angina - this is chest pains that come about when you exercise but alleviate when you rest or take a break. Most people feel the pain over their breast bone but it is non-specific so it could be anywhere.
Shortness of breath - this needs no explanation.
Irregular heartbeat - also called "cardiac arrhythmia. This might occur every so often.
Severe sweating - this needs no explanation.
You may also suffer from nausea, fatigue, weakness or breast pain if you are a woman. These are symptoms easily ignored until they come in groups.
If this happens you should definitely get it checked out by your physician.
Ways to defend yourself are exercising, eating less junk food and not smoking.
You could even invest in an omega 3 fish oil supplement which have been proven by scientific research to engender heart health.
You should definitely do these things if you experience any of the symptoms of coronary heart disease.
Tinnitus Herbal Remedies Treatments Cures
Herbal tinnitus treatment is not that well known but it is in fact very effective as long as you understand how this natural tinnitus treatment works. So let’s begin by going over what symptoms generally lead to tinnitus occurring.
When your body has become irregular with its circulation and due to this your health becomes unbalanced which affects your nervous system and heightens the risk of environment stimuli around you. So if this is the case then your subconscious is open to threat and therefore is more likely to accept a normal broadband frequency as a threat.
The other side of the coin is pulsatile tinnitus where you need to reduce cholesterol and regulate your blood flow for relief.
So Herbal Remedies for Tinnitus is the key because the herbs used help regulate circulation, promote balance with your nervous system and are high in nutrition.
For people with mild tinnitus very often herbal treatments are enough to stop the tinnitus, usually balanced with regular exercise.
For people that have a bit more severe tinnitus and are using TRT usually herbal treatment is recommended, Salycylic ac. is particularly good, to help in aiding the counseling and especially sound therapy. For people with pulsatile tinnitus there are certain herbs such as Avena Sativa that help in cholesterol regulation and treating circulation.
The most commonly known herb that has shown consistent results is Ginkgo Bilboa so that is a good place to start but there are many herbs that have shown positive results.
When your body has become irregular with its circulation and due to this your health becomes unbalanced which affects your nervous system and heightens the risk of environment stimuli around you. So if this is the case then your subconscious is open to threat and therefore is more likely to accept a normal broadband frequency as a threat.
The other side of the coin is pulsatile tinnitus where you need to reduce cholesterol and regulate your blood flow for relief.
So Herbal Remedies for Tinnitus is the key because the herbs used help regulate circulation, promote balance with your nervous system and are high in nutrition.
For people with mild tinnitus very often herbal treatments are enough to stop the tinnitus, usually balanced with regular exercise.
For people that have a bit more severe tinnitus and are using TRT usually herbal treatment is recommended, Salycylic ac. is particularly good, to help in aiding the counseling and especially sound therapy. For people with pulsatile tinnitus there are certain herbs such as Avena Sativa that help in cholesterol regulation and treating circulation.
The most commonly known herb that has shown consistent results is Ginkgo Bilboa so that is a good place to start but there are many herbs that have shown positive results.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments Natural Cures
If you have never thought about using natural ways to cure bacterial vaginosis, then it is something that you seriously think about it.
Statistics show that nearly all women will suffer from bacterial vaginosis at some point in their lives. This is a far more common condition than most women realize. The only reason why it seems rare is that no woman will want to really discuss it with anyone.
Having BV is not a lot of fun, it can be very frustrating and embarrassing. The discharge, the smell, the itchiness, and the burning sensation, can often leave a woman feeling quite depressed and lonely. The good news is that there are plenty of natural ways to cure bacterial vaginosis.
You will probably be keen to know why the advantages of natural remedies are compared to prescribed, or over the counter bacterial vaginosis treatments are.
First of all, many over the counter treatments are just not that effective for getting rid of BV. Of course you can get prescribed medications from your doctor, but the problem here is that these medications tend to be stronger, with stronger side effects.
Secondly, your body is a natural product, and therefore is engineered to blend well with other natural products.
Thirdly, many women have found natural remedies to be very effective, and much longer lasting compared to many medications.
Finally, natural remedies are geared towards treating the symptoms and the causes of the problem, and most people will know that medicines are there to work just on the symptoms. This means that the cause remains where it is.
Natural Ways to Cure Bacterial Vaginosis
The first and most simple thing that you should try is to just mix some apple cider vinegar into your bath water and sit there for about 15 minutes a couple of times a day. This helps to kill the bad bacteria in the vagina which is the major cause of your BV.
Natural live yogurt contains a lot of good and healthy bacteria. Try applying some of this yogurt around your vagina just before you go to sleep at night. This may sound a little yukky, but it is effective, and has to be better than dealing with BV on a regular basis.
One tip though, makes sure that you remember to shower in the morning.
Try to remember that medicines are not your only option when it comes to this condition; there are plenty of natural ways to cure bacterial vaginosis.
Statistics show that nearly all women will suffer from bacterial vaginosis at some point in their lives. This is a far more common condition than most women realize. The only reason why it seems rare is that no woman will want to really discuss it with anyone.
Having BV is not a lot of fun, it can be very frustrating and embarrassing. The discharge, the smell, the itchiness, and the burning sensation, can often leave a woman feeling quite depressed and lonely. The good news is that there are plenty of natural ways to cure bacterial vaginosis.
You will probably be keen to know why the advantages of natural remedies are compared to prescribed, or over the counter bacterial vaginosis treatments are.
First of all, many over the counter treatments are just not that effective for getting rid of BV. Of course you can get prescribed medications from your doctor, but the problem here is that these medications tend to be stronger, with stronger side effects.
Secondly, your body is a natural product, and therefore is engineered to blend well with other natural products.
Thirdly, many women have found natural remedies to be very effective, and much longer lasting compared to many medications.
Finally, natural remedies are geared towards treating the symptoms and the causes of the problem, and most people will know that medicines are there to work just on the symptoms. This means that the cause remains where it is.
Natural Ways to Cure Bacterial Vaginosis
The first and most simple thing that you should try is to just mix some apple cider vinegar into your bath water and sit there for about 15 minutes a couple of times a day. This helps to kill the bad bacteria in the vagina which is the major cause of your BV.
Natural live yogurt contains a lot of good and healthy bacteria. Try applying some of this yogurt around your vagina just before you go to sleep at night. This may sound a little yukky, but it is effective, and has to be better than dealing with BV on a regular basis.
One tip though, makes sure that you remember to shower in the morning.
Try to remember that medicines are not your only option when it comes to this condition; there are plenty of natural ways to cure bacterial vaginosis.
Aloe Vera Colon Cleanse Benefits Effects Reviews
First, you need to understand why it is important to cleanse colon. Well the answer is simple. It is because the foods we eat all carry toxins once the nutrients in it are gone. Once they get to the colon, they will become wastes which need to be flushed out immediately from the body. But sometimes, there are still little portions of the bowel which isn't eliminated properly. They get trapped into the colon walls which later will create damages to the colon. If it gets severed, it may even turn into cancerous cells.
We can stop this from happening through colon cleansing. There are so many products out these days that are said to promote the cleansing of the colon. But most people would still prefer using natural methods. The aloe vera or Gheekvar (In Sanskrit) is said to be a very effective ingredient to use for colon cleansing. The use of aloe vera colon cleanse is said to be very mild for the colon. It will not harsh the colon walls.
Nowadays, the use of Gheekvar colon cleanse is very popular to people who are having digestive problems. Most of the colon cleansing products today has aloe vera. What the Gheekvar is effective for is its ability to cure wounds, infections and damages in the skin. That is what makes it effective for damaged colon walls. It will help cure the harsh effects of the toxins that are trapped inside it.
Another interesting fact about the use of aloe vera colon cleanse is that it has been used for centuries. Even Alexander the Great and the early Egyptians have recorded that they used the Aloe vera for curing internal wounds.
It has antibiotic properties that heal the skin cells, get rid of wastes and harmful substances plus nourishing the skin with a more protective layer.
We can find the Gheekvar as a gel-like plant. It is consisting mainly just leaves and flowers. As you break the plant open, you can see the liquid gel-like inside it. That substance carries lots of nutrients needed to heal the colon from internal damages. The aloe vera is such a wondrous plant that it has so many healing effects to people.
If you are planning the use of aloe vera colon cleanse, you can find it from supplements. You can also look for natural recipes that have Gheekvar in it.
They usually add it as an ingredient to tea.
You probably wouldn't have any allergies with this plant because it is actually a healer. Also, you can plant this in your own yard in a plant box and have a wondrous plant in your home. All in all, the aloe vera is surely one of the best answers for colon cleansing.
We can stop this from happening through colon cleansing. There are so many products out these days that are said to promote the cleansing of the colon. But most people would still prefer using natural methods. The aloe vera or Gheekvar (In Sanskrit) is said to be a very effective ingredient to use for colon cleansing. The use of aloe vera colon cleanse is said to be very mild for the colon. It will not harsh the colon walls.
Nowadays, the use of Gheekvar colon cleanse is very popular to people who are having digestive problems. Most of the colon cleansing products today has aloe vera. What the Gheekvar is effective for is its ability to cure wounds, infections and damages in the skin. That is what makes it effective for damaged colon walls. It will help cure the harsh effects of the toxins that are trapped inside it.
Another interesting fact about the use of aloe vera colon cleanse is that it has been used for centuries. Even Alexander the Great and the early Egyptians have recorded that they used the Aloe vera for curing internal wounds.
It has antibiotic properties that heal the skin cells, get rid of wastes and harmful substances plus nourishing the skin with a more protective layer.
We can find the Gheekvar as a gel-like plant. It is consisting mainly just leaves and flowers. As you break the plant open, you can see the liquid gel-like inside it. That substance carries lots of nutrients needed to heal the colon from internal damages. The aloe vera is such a wondrous plant that it has so many healing effects to people.
If you are planning the use of aloe vera colon cleanse, you can find it from supplements. You can also look for natural recipes that have Gheekvar in it.
They usually add it as an ingredient to tea.
You probably wouldn't have any allergies with this plant because it is actually a healer. Also, you can plant this in your own yard in a plant box and have a wondrous plant in your home. All in all, the aloe vera is surely one of the best answers for colon cleansing.
Healthy Eating Habits for your healthy lifestyle
It's a very common believe that fat in our diet is unhealthy and will contribute to weight gain.
But where comes the term eat for health it is very necessary part of a healthy diet.
What actually important to know are the types of fat we eat -
Healthy fat increase brain power and then mood relatively, it is essential to healthy brain function. They put us in a good mood and keep us mentally sharp.
They are stimulate healthy pregnancies. It is especially important to the baby's developing brain and nervous system.
It is essential for a live, glowing skin, hair, and nails. A lack of healthy fat in our diet can lead to dull, flaky skin, brittle nails, and dry or easily damaged hair.
Because it is high in calories, a little goes a long way in making us feel full. Small amounts of good fats like nuts or seeds make great satisfying snacks.
It is easing the spike in blood sugar that result from eating carbohydrates.
It is needed in order to absorb certain vitamins. Many important vitamins as vitamins A, D, E, and K-are fat-solvable, meaning you need fat in your system in order to absorb them.
1. Saturated Fat
Saturated fat means hydrogen holding as many atoms as possible. Besides that butter, margarine, and animal fat, dairy products are all especially high in saturated fat.
2. Unsaturated Fat
Further divided-
Monounsaturated Fat: Foods like nuts and avocados are rich monounsaturated fat sources, as well olive and canola oils.
Polyunsaturated Fat: Polyunsaturated fats are found in vegetable oils like corn, soy, and sunflower, along with in fish and fish oil.
3. Trans Fat
Trans fat the only one that are man-made. Hydrogen atoms are added to polyunsaturated vegetable oils combine with a nickel substance. A common belief is that high temperature frying and reusing oil produce Trans fat but it is not true. Instead it can only be produced when nickel is added and hydrogen is enforced through oil at high pressure.
Healthy fats
Choose carefully the good types of fat you eat. Saturated fat and Trans fat increase risk for many diseases, heart disease and stroke are no 1 threat.
But polyunsaturated and monounsaturated type actually subsidize to our health and vitality, support our mood, and help to maintain a healthy weight.
No fat source is purely saturated or unsaturated. But all combined the various fatty acids. Some are high in saturated and some are high in unsaturated. Like olive oil is 75% mono-s, 14% saturated, and 11% poly-s,so best choice for a healthy diet.
Fat That We Should Eat
Unsaturated, healthy fats are essential for a well-functioning mind and body.
Healthy fats Enriched Foods-
- Olive and canola oil
- Olives
- Nuts
- Fish and seafood
- Peanut butter
- Avocados
Fat should not eat
Saturated fat and Trans fat are generally bad for our arteries, heart, and waistline. Tran's fat usually found in foods like:
- Baked goods - cookies, crackers, cakes, muffins, pie crusts, pizza dough, and some breads like burger buns.
- Fried foods - doughnuts, French fries, fried chicken including chicken nuggets, etc
- Snack foods - potato, corn, and tortilla chips; candy; packaged or microwave popcorn.
- Solid fats - stick margarine and semi-solid vegetable shortening.
- Pre-mixed products - cake mix, pancake mix, and chocolate drink mix.
But where comes the term eat for health it is very necessary part of a healthy diet.
What actually important to know are the types of fat we eat -
Healthy fat increase brain power and then mood relatively, it is essential to healthy brain function. They put us in a good mood and keep us mentally sharp.
They are stimulate healthy pregnancies. It is especially important to the baby's developing brain and nervous system.
It is essential for a live, glowing skin, hair, and nails. A lack of healthy fat in our diet can lead to dull, flaky skin, brittle nails, and dry or easily damaged hair.
Because it is high in calories, a little goes a long way in making us feel full. Small amounts of good fats like nuts or seeds make great satisfying snacks.
It is easing the spike in blood sugar that result from eating carbohydrates.
It is needed in order to absorb certain vitamins. Many important vitamins as vitamins A, D, E, and K-are fat-solvable, meaning you need fat in your system in order to absorb them.
1. Saturated Fat
Saturated fat means hydrogen holding as many atoms as possible. Besides that butter, margarine, and animal fat, dairy products are all especially high in saturated fat.
2. Unsaturated Fat
Further divided-
Monounsaturated Fat: Foods like nuts and avocados are rich monounsaturated fat sources, as well olive and canola oils.
Polyunsaturated Fat: Polyunsaturated fats are found in vegetable oils like corn, soy, and sunflower, along with in fish and fish oil.
3. Trans Fat
Trans fat the only one that are man-made. Hydrogen atoms are added to polyunsaturated vegetable oils combine with a nickel substance. A common belief is that high temperature frying and reusing oil produce Trans fat but it is not true. Instead it can only be produced when nickel is added and hydrogen is enforced through oil at high pressure.
Healthy fats
Choose carefully the good types of fat you eat. Saturated fat and Trans fat increase risk for many diseases, heart disease and stroke are no 1 threat.
But polyunsaturated and monounsaturated type actually subsidize to our health and vitality, support our mood, and help to maintain a healthy weight.
No fat source is purely saturated or unsaturated. But all combined the various fatty acids. Some are high in saturated and some are high in unsaturated. Like olive oil is 75% mono-s, 14% saturated, and 11% poly-s,so best choice for a healthy diet.
Fat That We Should Eat
Unsaturated, healthy fats are essential for a well-functioning mind and body.
Healthy fats Enriched Foods-
- Olive and canola oil
- Olives
- Nuts
- Fish and seafood
- Peanut butter
- Avocados
Fat should not eat
Saturated fat and Trans fat are generally bad for our arteries, heart, and waistline. Tran's fat usually found in foods like:
- Baked goods - cookies, crackers, cakes, muffins, pie crusts, pizza dough, and some breads like burger buns.
- Fried foods - doughnuts, French fries, fried chicken including chicken nuggets, etc
- Snack foods - potato, corn, and tortilla chips; candy; packaged or microwave popcorn.
- Solid fats - stick margarine and semi-solid vegetable shortening.
- Pre-mixed products - cake mix, pancake mix, and chocolate drink mix.
Beauty Tips Advice – Let’s Prevent Loose Skin Condition Smartly
A loose skin condition is a part and parcel of the skin aging process. As time passes by, our skin slowly degenerates in functions. It will no longer abundantly produce collagen.
Collagen is a vital skin component. This is the complex protein that makes the dermis strong and elastic. Without a hefty supply of this complex protein, skin loses its resilient and elastic structure.
Before this happens, you should know how to prevent a loose skin condition. It is easier to prevent this from happening that treating it when it is already there. In order to prolong youthful dermis functions, here are some of the tips you should try:
Try using skin masks
Regularly using skin masks can improve core dermis functions. Lemon juice is a good ingredient. It makes skin lighter but it can also help tighten pores and dermis tissues. It makes your skin softer too. You can also try using honey.
Honey contains restorative properties that can correct damaged skin tissues and prolong youthful dermis functions. You can mix honey and lemon juice for a more effective treatment.
Many people also apply olive oil. It contains antioxidants that can ward of harmful free radicals. This can also hydrate the dermis to prevent the early loss of collagen.
Use a more potent anti aging product
Start using a more potent anti aging product. This product should contain effective ingredients such as CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Manuka Honey. CynergyTK is an ingredient extracted from sheep wool. Sheep wool is one of the best sources of functional keratin. This is a kind of protein responsible for the regeneration of collagen and elastin in the body. Phytessence Wakame is a type of Japanese sea kelp that wards off harmful enzymes. These enzymes tend to attack hyaluronic acid, the acid that supplies moisture to collagen proteins. Manuka Honey is what you need to retain dermis moisture. It is a type of honey loaded with more vitamins and minerals. This can help spruce up the core functions of the skin.
protect your skin from the sun
The sun easily strips essential moisture from the skin. It can also hamper the continuous regeneration of collagen and elastin. UVA rays speed up the aging process.
You should choose skin care products incorporated with sun protection. Also use umbrella when you are going outdoors especially during midday. The sun is at its harshest during midday.
Do not rub or scrub your skin vigorously
This damages the skin tissues. Pat your skin dry after taking a shower. Apply your moisturizer using your lightest fingers so you will not disturb weak dermis tissues.
Collagen is a vital skin component. This is the complex protein that makes the dermis strong and elastic. Without a hefty supply of this complex protein, skin loses its resilient and elastic structure.
Before this happens, you should know how to prevent a loose skin condition. It is easier to prevent this from happening that treating it when it is already there. In order to prolong youthful dermis functions, here are some of the tips you should try:
Try using skin masks
Regularly using skin masks can improve core dermis functions. Lemon juice is a good ingredient. It makes skin lighter but it can also help tighten pores and dermis tissues. It makes your skin softer too. You can also try using honey.
Honey contains restorative properties that can correct damaged skin tissues and prolong youthful dermis functions. You can mix honey and lemon juice for a more effective treatment.
Many people also apply olive oil. It contains antioxidants that can ward of harmful free radicals. This can also hydrate the dermis to prevent the early loss of collagen.
Use a more potent anti aging product
Start using a more potent anti aging product. This product should contain effective ingredients such as CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Manuka Honey. CynergyTK is an ingredient extracted from sheep wool. Sheep wool is one of the best sources of functional keratin. This is a kind of protein responsible for the regeneration of collagen and elastin in the body. Phytessence Wakame is a type of Japanese sea kelp that wards off harmful enzymes. These enzymes tend to attack hyaluronic acid, the acid that supplies moisture to collagen proteins. Manuka Honey is what you need to retain dermis moisture. It is a type of honey loaded with more vitamins and minerals. This can help spruce up the core functions of the skin.
protect your skin from the sun
The sun easily strips essential moisture from the skin. It can also hamper the continuous regeneration of collagen and elastin. UVA rays speed up the aging process.
You should choose skin care products incorporated with sun protection. Also use umbrella when you are going outdoors especially during midday. The sun is at its harshest during midday.
Do not rub or scrub your skin vigorously
This damages the skin tissues. Pat your skin dry after taking a shower. Apply your moisturizer using your lightest fingers so you will not disturb weak dermis tissues.
Acute Low Back Pain Relief Tips
1.) The Truth and Treatment for Acute Low Back Pain
Acute low back strain is not as uncommon as it seems to be. In fact, acute lower back pain is one of the most common complaints of patients when going to the doctor.
Acute low back pain accounts for over $20 billion of health care expenditures every year, and that sum does not include the indirect costs that the country is spending due to the ailment. According to recent study in the United States, fifty percent of the over-all workforce suffers from back pain every year.
In addition, ninety percent of adults in America experience back pain at least once in their lifetime. Acute back problems can make you miss work for at least three months, and even if you've recovered, the symptoms come back and your daily routines can be affected.
2.) How to Manage Acute Low Back Discomfort?
In dealing with acute low back pain, it is always advisable to consult a physician. You will be assessed based on your age and symptoms such as bone pain, morning stiffness and night pain.
Your physician will also inquire about symptoms such as weakness, numbness and presence of radiating pain. It is important be honest with your physician about the severity of pain, previous treatment if the back pain has occurred in the past, and the effect of the pain in your daily activities and work life.
Therapy such as pharmacologic therapy may be administered by a doctor to patients suffering from acute low back pain.
This includes administering nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or acetaminophen. If a patient reaction to treatment is positive, it will be continued for two to four weeks unless assessed otherwise. (Always speak with your physician about pain medications prior to using them.)
A seven-day bed rest is perceived as an important treatment for acute lower back pain, but recent study shows that it does more harm than good.
The adverse effect is that it encourages a sick role on the patient. A clinical study attempts to prove this by sorting two groups of recuperating patients. One group was given two days of bed rest and the other was given a full week of bed rest.
It turned out that a two-day bed rest has the same effect as seven-day bed rest. More and more doctors are prescribing two to three days of bed rest to the person suffering from acute back pain. Rest includes having the patient lying on his or her back.
3.) Back Supports & Why They Are Effective
Another effective treatment recommended by doctors is the use of back braces or supports. Quality back braces are found to be helpful in alleviating the pressure and controlling certain destructive body movements so you will not further damage your back.
Back braces are known to effectively reduce the pain, which will bring relief to the patient.
Lower back support can help provide a kind of restriction so you can monitor your movements and develop a conscious awareness of what movements are to be avoided so you will not be able to do more damage to your back.
Many doctors have recommended the use of back brace as an alternative or support treatment for acute back pain. You must remember that in treating acute low back pain, surgery is not always necessary.
There are a huge number of people who have benefited from wearing back braces or support. You could be one of them if you choose a highly-effective back brace. If you are on the lookout for a back brace, you should check its low profile feature. It means that it is hardly noticeable when worn under a garment.
Acute low back strain is not as uncommon as it seems to be. In fact, acute lower back pain is one of the most common complaints of patients when going to the doctor.
Acute low back pain accounts for over $20 billion of health care expenditures every year, and that sum does not include the indirect costs that the country is spending due to the ailment. According to recent study in the United States, fifty percent of the over-all workforce suffers from back pain every year.
In addition, ninety percent of adults in America experience back pain at least once in their lifetime. Acute back problems can make you miss work for at least three months, and even if you've recovered, the symptoms come back and your daily routines can be affected.
2.) How to Manage Acute Low Back Discomfort?
In dealing with acute low back pain, it is always advisable to consult a physician. You will be assessed based on your age and symptoms such as bone pain, morning stiffness and night pain.
Your physician will also inquire about symptoms such as weakness, numbness and presence of radiating pain. It is important be honest with your physician about the severity of pain, previous treatment if the back pain has occurred in the past, and the effect of the pain in your daily activities and work life.
Therapy such as pharmacologic therapy may be administered by a doctor to patients suffering from acute low back pain.
This includes administering nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) or acetaminophen. If a patient reaction to treatment is positive, it will be continued for two to four weeks unless assessed otherwise. (Always speak with your physician about pain medications prior to using them.)
A seven-day bed rest is perceived as an important treatment for acute lower back pain, but recent study shows that it does more harm than good.
The adverse effect is that it encourages a sick role on the patient. A clinical study attempts to prove this by sorting two groups of recuperating patients. One group was given two days of bed rest and the other was given a full week of bed rest.
It turned out that a two-day bed rest has the same effect as seven-day bed rest. More and more doctors are prescribing two to three days of bed rest to the person suffering from acute back pain. Rest includes having the patient lying on his or her back.
3.) Back Supports & Why They Are Effective
Another effective treatment recommended by doctors is the use of back braces or supports. Quality back braces are found to be helpful in alleviating the pressure and controlling certain destructive body movements so you will not further damage your back.
Back braces are known to effectively reduce the pain, which will bring relief to the patient.
Lower back support can help provide a kind of restriction so you can monitor your movements and develop a conscious awareness of what movements are to be avoided so you will not be able to do more damage to your back.
Many doctors have recommended the use of back brace as an alternative or support treatment for acute back pain. You must remember that in treating acute low back pain, surgery is not always necessary.
There are a huge number of people who have benefited from wearing back braces or support. You could be one of them if you choose a highly-effective back brace. If you are on the lookout for a back brace, you should check its low profile feature. It means that it is hardly noticeable when worn under a garment.
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