Health Tips Facts- Tennis elbow Definition,Symptoms,Treatments,Home Remedies,Cure

What is Tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is an overuse injury - technically called lateral epicondyle - that affects the tendon on the outside of the elbow.

Tennis elbow is the top injury associated with all racket sports, including tennis, badminton and squash.

Tennis elbow is a painful condition of the elbow that occurs due to repeated forceful impact on the extended arm. It is the result of small tears in muscles and tendons just above the elbow.

Age and gender are not discriminating factors in developing tennis elbow.

Tennis elbow symptoms:-

(1) Your wrist hurts when gripping or moving, especially when lifting

(2) Stiffness of the elbow and arm in the morning

(3) Pain on the outer part of your elbow

Tennis elbow Treatments Home Remedies:-

There is also no need to join an expensive fitness center in order to cure your tennis elbow; you can cure tennis elbow on your own from the comfort of home without any special exercise equipment required.

1. holding a dumbbell in each hand, sit down.

2. Lay your forearms down your thighs.

3. be sure that your hands are hanging over your knees.

4. Your palms should be facing upwards.

5. Begin by curling the weight upwards at the wrist and lowering slowly.

Tennis elbow Cure Care Tips Therapy Pain Relief:-

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the pain and inflammation.

Using a heat pack or an ice pack on your elbow may reduce inflammation.

Using a brace such as a "tennis elbow strap" can reduce the strain that is placed on your elbow.

Corticosteroids are drugs that help to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation.

Health Facts- Cataract Symptoms,Causes,Cure,Treatment,Blindness

What is Cataract?

Cataract Definition:-

Cataract is clouding of the eye lens, mostly due to aging, barring a small percentage of other secondary reasons like diabetes, sustained exposure to ultraviolet light.

The primary effect of cataract is blurred vision.

Cataract Types:-

(1) Secondary cataracts:-

An after effect of eye surgery, like in the case of glaucoma.

(2) Congenital cataracts:-

In new born babies, which in rare cases lead to lens replacement.

(3) Traumatic cataracts:-

Due to eye injuries. These have very late onsets.

Cataract Symptoms:-

(1) Faded colors and blurred vision

(2) Poor night vision but headlights and sunlight may appear all too bright with a halo around the source.

(3) Temporary double or multiple visions which gets cleared as cataract develops further.

(4) Frequent need to change contact lenses or spectacles.

Cataract Causes:-

Those who indulge in alcoholism or those who are exposed to UV light for a long time are at danger of developing cataract. Even diabetics face the same risk.

Cataract Treatment Cure Care:-

The only treatment for cataract is surgery to remove it. Cataract surgery is very successful in restoring vision.

There are 2 types of surgery that can be used to remove lenses that have a cataract First is Extracapsular surgery consists of surgically removing the lens, but leaving the back half of the capsule (the outer covering of the lens) whole.

High-frequency sound waves (phacoemulsification) may be used to soften the lens to help removing it through a smaller cut second is Intracapsular surgery involves surgically removing the entire lens, including the capsule.

Health Facts- Colitis Definition,Symptoms,Cure,Treatment,Pain Relief

What is Colitis?

Colitis is the term for inflammation of the colon or large bowel or intestine. The beginning of the colon is called the cecum. It begins in the lower right portion of the abdomen where the last part of the small intestine (ileum) empties into the large intestine.

In colitis the colon is usually quite red and swollen appearing when seen by colonoscopy (scope exam of the colon).

Chronic colitis is one of several types of inflammatory bowel disorders or IBD for short and should not be confused with IBS the term for irritable bowel syndrome.

Biopsy of colon tissue in irritable bowel syndrome are normal and do not show signs of inflammation therefore it is not considered an inflammatory bowel disorder.

Colitis Symptoms Signs:-

The three most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are the appearance of diarrhea, the evidence of blood when a bowel motion occurs and a degree of pain in the abdominal area.

Abdominal pain, Diarrhea that contains either blood or pus,Painful, urgent bowel movements,Fever,Fatigue and muscle weakness, Weight loss, Joint pain, skin problems, and eye problems, Conventional Medical Treatment.

Colitis Treatment, Herbal Remedies,Home Remedies,Natural Remedies:-

Flaxseed oil (as directed on label)-protects the lining of the colon.

Garlic (as directed on label)-has a healing effect on the colon.

Multimineral complex with calcium, chromium, magnesium, and zinc (as directed on label)-minerals are not easily absorbed in colitis victims; calcium is needed for the prevention of cancer, which can occur as a result of constant irritation.

Vitamin C with bioflavonoids -boosts immune function and heals mucous membranes; use in buffered form.

Colitis Prevention, Pain Relief, Risk Factors,Causes:-

Strict hygiene and sanitation measures while handling, cooking and eating food can go a long way in preventing colitis associated with infective germs. Incorporating healthy lifestyle and diet changes in your daily routine helps to make your body as disease-free as possible by strengthening your immunity to keep at bay not only colitis but also other diseases. Moderate exercise combined with a healthy diet consisting of whole grains, lentils, fruits, vegetables and water in plenty, and animal-origin foods in as restricted amounts as possible.

Health Tips Facts- Chicken Pox Virus Vaccine Symptoms Treatment

What is Chicken Pox?

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease, caused by a Chicken Pox Virus which is known as varicella-zoster virus and also as the Herpes Zoster virus.

Chicken pox in adults is very rare, but only the ones that have not head chicken pox when they were children.

Chickenpox occurs mostly during the end of the winter and the beginning of the spring. It generally affects children aged from 2 to 8 and can take the form of epidemics.

Chicken Pox Symptoms:-

It starts with moderate fever and then characteristic spots appearing in two or three waves, mainly on the body and head rather than the hands and becoming itchy raw pox (pocks), small open sores which heal mostly without scarring.

This infectious disease has a two-week incubation period and is highly contagious by air transmission two days before symptoms appear.

Chicken Pox Treatment/Prevention:-

Rub the Vitamin E oil into the skin and watch for a healing effect.

Herbal tea prepared by any of the following herbs has shown to be effective in treating chicken pox: basil, chamomile, lemon balm, and marigold. Add lemon, honey, or cinnamon into the tea.

The use of brown vinegar is known to be one of the most important home remedies for treating chicken pox.

Baking Soda is a very popular home remedy used to control the itching resulting from chicken pox.

A bath of oatmeal is considered one of the best natural remedies for relieving the itching sensation caused by chicken pox.